MARVEL PREVIEWS #29 (DEC14) DARTH VADER #1 & 2 KIERON GILLEN (W) • SALVADOR LARROCA (A) Covers by ADI GRANOV ISSUE #1 - Teaser Variant by JOHN CASSADAY CONNECTING VARIANT COVER B BY J. SCOTT CAMPBELL VARIANT COVER BY ALEX ROSS SKETCH VARIANT COVER BY ALEX ROSS VARIANT COVER BY MICHAEL GOLDEN VARIANT COVER BY MIKE DEL MUNDO YOUNG VARIANT BY SKOTTIE YOUNG ACTION FIGURE VARIANT BY JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER MOVIE VARIANT COVER ALSO AVAILABLE BLANK VARIANT COVER ALSO AVAILABLE ISSUE #2 - VARIANT COVER BY WHILCE PORTACIO VARIANT COVER BY TBA The original Dark Lord of the Sith stars in his first ongoing series! Ever since Darth Vader made his first on-screen appearance, he became the one of the most popular villains to ever haunt an audience’s dreams! Now, follow Vader straight from the ending of A NEW HOPE (and the pages of the new STAR WARS comic book) into his own series, showing the Empire’s war with the Rebel Alliance from the other side! Writer Kieron Gillen (Uncanny X-Men, Journey Into Mystery, Iron Man) and artist Salvador Larroca (Invincible Iron Man, X-Men: No More Humans) bring us a peek behind the mask of evil! ISSUE #1 - 48 PGS./Rated T …$4.99 ISSUE #2 - 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 STAR WARS #2 JASON AARON (W) • JOHN CASSADAY (A/C) SKETCH VARIANT COVER BY JOHN CASSADAY ACTION FIGURE VARIANT BY JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER VARIANT COVER BY Berkeley Breathed, PULITZER-PRIZE WINNING CREATOR OF BLOOM COUNTY VARIANT COVER BY LEINIL YU VARIANT COVER BY HOWARD CHAYKIN THE GREATEST SPACE ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME CONTINUES! • The Rebel assault on Cymoon 1 continues! • Luke Skywalker – cornered by Darth Vader! • Han, Leia, and the others – trapped! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 MARVEL UNIVERSE: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS #4 Adapted by JOE CARAMAGNA • Spidey is shrunken down to teeny-tiny size by the fiendish Loki. • The itsy-bitsy Spider-Man swings into action with the help of the mighty Thor! 32 PGS./All Ages …$2.99 MARVEL UNIVERSE: AVENGERS ASSEMBLE SEASON TWO #4 Adapted by JOE CARAMAGNA • The Red Skull has info that could save Earth, but he’s been kidnapped! • To rescue his worst enemy, Captain America must face his oldest friend: Bucky Barnes a.k.a. the Winter Soldier! 32 PGS./All Ages …$2.99 MARVEL UNIVERSE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #1 (OF 4) Adapted by JOE CARAMAGNA • Based on the highly anticipated new series coming to Disney XD in 2015, follow the further adventures of the Guardians of the Galaxy! • With a galaxy full of danger, only the Guardians stand between us and the destruction of everything! • Featuring adaptations of the upcoming animated series with a mix of screen grab and brand new stories for everyone to enjoy! 32 PGS./All Ages …$2.99 GUARDIANS TEAM-UP #1 & 2 BRIAN BENDIS (W) • ISSUE #1 - ART ADAMS (A/C) ISSUE #2 - TBA (A) ISSUE #1 - VARIANT COVER BY SKOTTIE YOUNG ISSUE #1 - Variant by PASQUAL FERRY ISSUE #1 - INHUMANS 50TH ANNIVERSARY VARIANT COVER BY LADRÖNN ISSUE #1 - GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and THE AVENGERS! • Launching directly out of Guardians of the Galaxy comes the new ongoing series bringing the Guardians to the Marvel Universe’s grandest stage for an opening arc of out-of-this-world adventures with some of the biggest hitters Marvel has to offer. • Kicking off with a cosmic threat so massive, it’ll take more than just the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop it! Assembled side by side with the mighty Avengers, prepare for two titanic teams to unite like you’ve never seen before! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 ISSUE #2 - GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and THE AVENGERS! • Follow part two of this story as the Guardians of the Galaxy slam their way into the world of the Avengers – and only working together as a team will help them save the galaxy! • Tension runs high when survival is at stake, and when the likes of Gamora, Black Widow, Hawkeye and Rocket are forced to problem solve together, it can mean only one thing is guaranteed – destruction! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY & X-MEN: THE BLACK VORTEX ALPHA #1 SAM HUMPHRIES (W) • ED MCGUINNESS (A) COVER BY ED MCGUINNESS AND JUSTIN PONSOR CONNECTING VARIANT COVER A BY ALEXANDER LOZANO COSMICLY ENHANCED VARIANT BY ANDREA SORRENTINO THE BLACK VORTEX STARTS HERE! • The Black Vortex, an ancient artifact imbued with immeasurable power, is now in the hands of Mr. Knife! • With billions of lives potentially at stake, Peter Quill, the Legendary Star-Lord, is going to have to dust off his thieving gloves. • But with Knife’s Slaughter Squad protecting him, Peter’s probably going to need some help… 40 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY #24 BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (w) • valerio Schiti (a/C) COVER BY VALERIO SCHITI AND JASON KEITH COSMICLY ENHANCED VARIANT BY ANDREA SORRENTINO VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • The 2nd chapter of the BLACK VORTEX! • With the Slaughter Squad hot on their tails, the X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy are going to have to find somewhere to stash this loot. • The odds against them, their only option for gaining the upper hand might lie with the mysterious Black Vortex. • Will the temptation of the Black Vortex’s unknown power be too much for this band of misfits? 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 LEGENDARY STAR-LORD #9 SAM HUMPHRIES (w) • PACO MEDINA (a/C) COSMICLY ENHANCED VARIANT BY ANDREA SORRENTINO VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • The 3rd chapter of the BLACK VORTEX! • With a schism forming within the assembled heroes, the youngest among them face the temptation of immeasurable power. • Sometimes those with great power shirk their responsibility to use it for good, though. • And with Knife and his new business partner looking to take back the Black Vortex, the group may have left themselves defenseless. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ALL-NEW X-MEN #38 BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W) • MAHMUD ASRAR (A) Cover by ANDREA SORRENTINO AND MARCELO MAIOLO COSMICLY ENHANCED VARIANT BY ANDREA SORRENTINO VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • The 4th chapter of the Black Vortex! • With some of their members captured by the villainous Mr. Knife, the team must decipher the secrets of the Black Vortex. And quickly! • But with the galaxy in chaos, they don’t have too many options open to them. • Maybe there’s an old war-buddy Peter can call to help them out? 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 SPIDER-GWEN #1 JASON LATOUR (W) • ROBBIE RODRIGUEZ (A/C) VARIANT COVER BY KRIS ANKA YOUNG VARIANT BY SKOTTIE YOUNG VARIANT COVER BY ADAM HUGHES BLANK VARIANT ALSO AVAILABLE SPIDER-GWEN SPINS INTO HER OWN SERIES! • BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The breakout hit of the biggest Spider-Event of the century is taking comic shops by storm this winter with her own new ongoing series – SPIDER-GWEN! • Gwen Stacy is Spider-Woman, but you knew that already. What you DON’T know is what friends and foes are waiting for her in the aftermath of Spider-Verse! • From the fan-favorite creative team that brought you Spider-Gwen’s origin story in EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE, Jason Latour and Robbie Rodriguez! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 SILK #1 ROBBIE THOMPSON (W) • STACEY LEE (A) Cover by DAVE JOHNSON Variant cover by STACEY LEE YOUNG VARIANT BY SKOTTIE YOUNG Cindy Moon exploded out of her bunker and into the Marvel Universe when we first learned that she had been bitten by that same radioactive spider in the first arc of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN. She then went on to save Peter Parker’s life (more than once!) and traverse the Spider-verse alongside Spider-Woman. Now, as SILK, Cindy is on her own in New York City, searching for her past, defining her own future, and webbing up wrong-doers along the way! Robbie Thompson (writer from TV’s Supernatural) fills this new ongoing series with his unique blend of antics and feels. Featuring stunning covers by Eisner Award winner Dave Johnson and interiors by future superstar Stacey Lee. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 WOLVERINES #5 CHARLES SOULE & RAY FAWKES (W) JONATHAN MARKS (A) Cover by NICK BRADSHAW • The team from Paradise and the Wolverines team up for the Assault on Mr. Sinister and his snowy fortress but what surprises lay in store when they figure out the front door is actually the easiest way in? • Sinister has more than plans for Logan’s body in his lair...but how are the Amazing X-Men involved in his plans for destruction and perfection? • Special appearance by Fing Fang Boom! 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 WOLVERINES #6 CHARLES SOULE & RAY FAWKES (W) Jason Masters (A) COVER BY Simone Bianchi • Assault on Mr. Sinister’s fortress – part two! • Logan’s remains are located – but which team winds up keeping the goods? And for what purpose? • When Mr. Sinister pleads his cause, it hits home to more than one team member...does this mean a change in allegiance? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 WOLVERINES #7 & 8 CHARLES SOULE & RAY FAWKES (W) Issue #7 - KRIS ANKA (A) ISSUE #8 - JUAN DOE (A) ISSUE #7 - Cover by STEPHANE ROUX ISSUE #8 - Cover by TBA ISSUE #7 - • Romance is in the air – for both old and new lovers alike, and just in time for Valentine’s Day! • Mystique’s power play is kicking into full gear as more is revealed about her plans to control her destiny. • And what happens when she gets one of the very last control words, and with it the power to get everything she ever wanted. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 ISSUE #8 - • BETRAYAL! LIES! This is what happens when the Paradise Group and the Wolverines share more than alliances... • And what happens when an old buddy of Wolverine shows up for a boondoggle weekend – ENTER FANG! • Lady Deathstrike is finally coming to the conclusion that she doesn’t have to be alone, but will this moment of vulnerability come back to stab her in the back? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 SPIDER-MAN 2099 #9 PETER DAVID (W) • WILLIAM SLINEY (A) Cover by FRANCESCO MATTINA • Miguel O’Hara returns to the year 2099 to discover that his future is now... imperfect! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #14 & 15 DAN SLOTT (W) • Issue #14 - OLIVIER COIPEL (A) CoverS by GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI Variant Cover by GABRIELE Dell’Otto VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO Marvel Animation Variant by JEFF WAMESTER Issue #15 - GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI (A) VARIANT COVER BY Simone Bianchi ISSUE #14 - • THE CLIMACTIC CONCLUSION TO SPIDER-VERSE! • The Prophecy is coming to fruition but Superior Spider-Man has something up his sleeve. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ISSUE #15 - • SPIDER-VERSE EPILOGUE • See the fallout of Spider-Verse and what it means to Peter Parker and the rest of the Spiders! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 SPIDER-WOMAN #4 DENNIS HOPELESS (W) • GREG LAND (A/C) SPIDER-VERSE EPILOGUE! • Jessica comes out of Spider-Verse changed, but what can she do now? Don’t miss this character-defining chapter! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 SECRET AVENGERS #13 ALES KOT (W) MICHAEL WALSH (A) Cover by TRADD MOORE “DEATH TO THE BULLIES” • M.O.D.O.K. down. Something is up. Trust M.O.D.O.K. • Most explosions you have ever seen in a Marvel comic! Maybe. We’re not entirely sure. But we do have an explosion-o-meter. • SECRET AVENGERS ASSEMBLE! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 OPERATION: S.I.N. #2 (OF 5) KATHRYN IMMONEN (W) RICH ELLIS (A) Cover by MICHAEL KOMARCK • When a UFO fires on Moscow because Howard can’t keep his finger off the button, Peggy and the team go underground but which one of them is already undercover? • Woodrow McCord fights a bear! • Peggy punches Howard in the face! • The firecracker team of Kathryn Immonen and Rich Ellis turn up the heat and tear up the joint in the continuing adventures of AGENT CARTER! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 NEW AVENGERS #30 JONATHAN HICKMAN (W) • KEV WALKER (A) Cover by ALAN DAVIS VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO IN 3 MONTHS…TIME RUNS OUT! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 AVENGERS #41 JONATHAN HICKMAN (W) • STEFANO CASELLI (A) Cover by BRYAN HITCH VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO IN 3 MONTHS…TIME RUNS OUT! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 AVENGERS WORLD #17 FRANK J. BARBIERE (W) • MARCO CHECCHETTO (A) Cover by JEFF DEKAL BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT! • How did things get to be the way they are in the “Time Runs Out” story? Find out here in AVENGERS WORLD! • Cannonball and Smasher face their greatest adventure yet…parenthood! • Can the new parents survive an encounter with the SHI’AR IMPERIAL GUARD? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 UNCANNY AVENGERS #2 RICK REMENDER (W) • DANIEL ACUñA (A/C) VARIANT COVER BY SIMONE BIANCHI VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO COUNTER-EVOLUTIONARY PART 2 • Welcome to Counter-Earth, where the future of your species is being developed by crack evolutionists. A better future awaits and is only one evolutionary updated away. • The New Men rise for what is theirs. They seek the chaos and the speed to create the true Earth, the true evolution. • Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver discover a terrible truth about their past. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 THANOS VS. HULK #3 (OF 4) JIM STARLIN (W/A/C) VARIANT COVER BY RON LIM • Annihilus gains vast new might! • The Hulk rampages through the Negative Zone! • And the villainous and powerful Blastaar is in hot pursuit! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 BUCKY BARNES: THE WINTER SOLDIER #5 ALES KOT (W) MARCO RUDY (A) Cover by MIKE DEL MUNDO “DEAD STARS” • The first arc reaches its conclusion! Mer-z-bow will never be the same! Upheaval imminent! • Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier -- face to face with Crossbones! • The mystery figure who took a shot at Bucky learns the cost of his transfiguration. Daisy Johnson causes an earthquake. Ventolin acts. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 FANTASTIC FOUR #643 JAMES ROBINSON (W) • LEONARD KIRK (A/C) Spotlight VARIANT Cover by CHRIS SAMNEE Connecting VARIANT Cover by MICHAEL GOLDEN THE INTERNET-WRECKING “THE END IS FOUREVER” CONTINUES • With the Villain’s plans revealed, the invasion of Earth begins with the creatures from the FRANKLINVERSE as well as corrupted versions of the heroes from HEROES REBORN. Will THE FANTASTIC FOUR have enough power to fight them on the streets of NY? • Meanwhile SUE, NAMOR and JIM HAMMOND resolve into the Franklinverse to combat this threat at it source, but what they find is far more terrifying than they expected. • Plus the return of SLEEPWALKER. • And BENTLEY 23’s finest hour. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 CAPTAIN AMERICA & THE MIGHTY AVENGERS #5 AL EWING (W) • LUKE ROSS (A) Cover by SANFORD GREENE • Someone killed the man White Tiger hated most in the world - and now she has to bring that someone in! • Meanwhile—something very, very strange is happening to CORTEX Incorporated... • ...and Luke Cage is right in the middle of it. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 S.H.I.E.L.D. #3 MARK WAID (W) • ALAN DAVIS (A) Cover by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO Variant Cover by ALAN DAVIS Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO • DIE HARD in the Sanctum Sanctorum! With Dr. Strange elsewhere, magical terrorists have taken over Strange’s sanctum! • Agent Coulson must lead a strike team into the mansion before time runs out for New York City, and his only available allies are Spider-Man and one of Strange’s oldest foes! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 ALL-NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA: FEAR HIM #1-4 DENNIS HOPELESS (W) • SZYMON KUDRANSKI (A) Covers by SIMONE BIANCHI ISSUE #1 – • A hungry villain has returned to feed on the city’s fear. • It’s up to the All New Captain America and Nomad to curb his appetite… Which might be easier if they weren’t always at each other’s throats. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ISSUE #2 - • All New Captain America searches the sewers for the missing Nomad… • While the Scarecrow and his army of terror crows do their worst. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ISSUE #3 – • Cap and Nomad reunited! There’s not much this dysfunctional duo can’t handle… • Except, of course, when one of them is having a violent psychotic episode. 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ISSUE #4 - • It’s Nomad’s last stand. As the Scarecrow’s terror pheromone has taken Captain America’s mind… But that’s really the least of his worries. • What does it take to scare a man who grew up in a Dimension of boogie men? 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ALL-NEW CAPTAIN AMERICA #4 RICK REMENDER (W) • STUART IMMONEN (A/C) VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • Hydra initiates the next step in their scheme, millions of innocent souls hang in the balance. • Cap is broken and nearly dead from the gauntlet of the new Hydra, so how can he take down the combined might of Cobra and the Armadillo in time to stop the great leveling? • A mysterious woman from the past returns! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 MARVEL’S ANT-MAN PRELUDE #1 (OF 2) WILL CORONA PILGRIM (W) MIGUEL SEPULVEDA (A) GET READY FOR MARVEL’S NEXT SMASH HIT FILM WITH THIS OFFICIAL PREQUEL! • Before Scott Lang becomes Marvel’s shrinking sensation, Dr. Hank Pym will pull on the helmet and leap into action on a death-defying mission that will take him into the icy heart of Cold War East Berlin! 32 PGS./Rated T …$2.99 ANT-MAN #2 NICK SPENCER (W) • RAMON ROSANAS (A) Cover by MARK BROOKS Variant cover by GEOF DARROW VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO MOVIE VARIANT COVER ALSO AVAILABLE • Ant-Man’s starting a new life-- a bold new adventure-- and you know what that means... • He needs to borrow some money! • Also, an old enemy returns... kinda. Sorta. Maybe? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #2 RYAN NORTH (W) • ERICA HENDERSON (A/C) Variant cover by JOE QUINONES • Starting college is hard enough, but now Squirrel Girl has to deal with Galactus too? • The fate of the entire planet hangs in the balance, and only Squirrel Girl can save it! • Also, her squirrel friend Tippy Toe. She can help too. • Iron Man might show up too! Kinda, at least! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 SUPERIOR IRON MAN #5 TOM TAYLOR (W) • YILDIRAY ÇINAR (A) Cover by MIKE CHOI THE SECRET ORIGIN OF TEEN ABOMINATION. • TONY STARK’S actions of the past come back to hurt him in the present. • Has his negligence bred monsters? • And will those monsters destroy him? 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 ANGELA: ASGARD’S ASSASSIN #3 KIERON GILLEN & MARGUERITE BENNETT (W) PHIL JIMENEZ & STEPHANIE HANS (A) Cover by STEPHANIE HANS Variant cover by DAVID LAFUENTE VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • The Tenth Realm of Heven crashes into... wait, which number is Vanaheim? Well, Vanaheim. We’re going to Vanaheim for adventures, fun and bleak existential horror! • Does Loki join the pursuit of Angela and her tiny, diaper-wearing charge? Well, we’d have to be really cruel to mention him here if he’s not going to turn up. Loki Lies, not solicits. Solicits are always 100% honest. • Plus, find out why saying “All good angels go to heaven” would get you stabbed by Angela. She’s a little touchy on the topic of the afterlife. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 MIRACLEMAN #15 THE ORIGINAL WRITER (W) • JOHN TOTLEBEN (A) Cover by JOHN TOTLEBEN Variant cover by TIM SALE Variant Cover by BILL SIENKIEWICZ • The utterance of a single word has unleashed hell on earth. • Johnny Bates has let the Nemesis out. Kid Miracleman is loose. • Smokes rises over London. And nothing will ever be the same. • Miracleman faces Kid Miracleman in the genre-redefining climax of Book Three! • Including material originally presented in MIRACLEMAN (1985) #15, plus bonus content. 48 PGS./Mature …$4.99 INHUMAN #12 CHARLES SOULE (W) • RYAN STEGMAN (A) Cover by RYAN STEGMAN & RICHARD ISANOVE VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • QUEEN MEDUSA VS. KING BLACK BOLT with the fate of the Inhumans in the balance! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 THOR #5 JASON AARON (W) • JORGE MOLINA (A) Cover by RUSSELL DAUTERMAN VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • The mysterious all-new Thor has taken Midgard by storm. But if her enemies have their say, her reign as the Goddess of Thunder will be a short one. • Prince Odinson is making a list and checking it twice. • All-Father Odin is so desperate to see Mjolnir returned to Asgard that he will call on some very dangerous, very unexpected allies. • And the Absorbing Man and Titania are just up to their usual tricks. Namely, robbing banks and crushing anyone who dares get in their way. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 THOR ANNUAL #1 JASON AARON, CM PUNK, NOELLE STEVENSON (W) ROB GUILLORY, MARGUERITE SAUVAGE (A) Cover by RAFAEL ALBUQUERQUE Variant Cover by ROB GUILLORY VARIANT COVER BY MARGUERITE SAUVAGE • Three stories featuring three Thors! • Wrestling superstar CM Punk and Rob Guillory (Chew) on Young Thor’s idea for how to prove himself worthy of Mjolnir: a drinking competition! • Noelle Stevenson (Lumberjanes) and Marguerite Sauvage tell a tale of the new Thor! • And Jason Aaron on the Girls of Thunder’s quest to find the perfect birthday present for their grandfather, King Thor! How about a new Garden of Eden? 40 PGS./ONE SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99 ROCKET RACCOON #8 SKOTTIE YOUNG (W) • FILIPE ANDRADE (A) Cover by SKOTTIE YOUNG Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO Variant Cover by JUSTIN PONSOR • The meanest, toughest, wittiest, and furriest Guardian of the galaxy just broke out his BIGGEST GUNS. • Because it’s ON. or ON-ER. THE MOST ON! Whatever, you get it. • Join superstar Skottie Young and sensational artist Filipe Andrade (Captain Marvel, Figment) in a Rocket adventure that breaks all the rules (including grammar). 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 GUARDIANS 3000 #5 DAN ABNETT (W) • GERARDO SANDOVAL (A) Cover by ALEX ROSS VARIANT COVER BY GERARDO SANDOVAL To save the future, the Guardians must reach into the past, and that means striking a deal with the Old Hunger. But the Old Hunger is the most powerful entity in the Galaxy, and it’s not a good idea to wake him up... or to by-pass his invincible herald, Stormfront! Meanwhile, Vance Astro has encountered a Guardian that he forgot ever existed, and she’s none too happy about his memory blank. Time to make friends again fast... before the A-Sentience gestalt of The Stark destroys them all! Cosmic action and mind-blowing SF adventure! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 NOVA #27 GERRY DUGGAN (W) JOHN TIMMS MOREIRA (A) Cover by ORPHANS CHEEPS • Carnage knows Nova’s secret identity – and he can’t wait to share it with Sam Alexander’s whole school! • What’s worse, Nova’s helmet is still on the fritz! When’s this kid gonna catch a break?! •Not today, when a Hulk makes an unexpected appearance! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 MOON KNIGHT #12 BRIAN WOOD (W) GREG SMALLWOOD (A) Cover by DECLAN SHALVEY • The climactic end of MOON KNIGHT arc 2! • Everything comes crashing down on Mr. Knight. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 DAREDEVIL #13 MARK WAID (W) • CHRIS SAMNEE (A/C) VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO THE END BEGINS HERE! • Mark Waid and Chis Samnee begin the climactic final chapter of their beloved, Eisner Award Winning run with the return of one of Matt Murdock’s oldest and (now) scariest enemies. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD #11 AL EWING (W) LEE GARBETT (A/C) • Loki faces the punishment of the Gods! Have his sins found him out at last? • Featuring: the pain of Volstagg! The verdict of Sif! The fury of Freyja! The strange wisdom of Odin! • And in the midst of all this drama... where’s King Loki? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 CAPTAIN MARVEL #12 KELLY SUE DECONNICK (W) DAVID LOPEZ (A/C) • Captain Marvel’s time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer (lookin’ at you J’Son). • The Haffensye Consortium has been tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. Now, they’ve finally caught up to them both! • Captain Marvel was barely able to survive the last time she squared-off against the Haffensye – think she’ll be so lucky again? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 SILVER SURFER #10 DAN SLOTT (W) • MIKE ALLRED (A/C) • The climax to THE Silver Surfer/Galactus Story for the 21st Century! • Witness the soul of the Silver Surfer laid bare in a cosmic clash unlike any you have ever seen! • A tale of hope and heroes-- of triumph and tragedy-- as only can be told in one of the Mightiest Marvel Comics of them all! • If you weren’t a true believer before SILVER SURFER #10, you WILL BE AFTER! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 IRON FIST: THE LIVING WEAPON #9 KAARE ANDREWS (W) KAARE ANDREWS (A/C) THE TRIUMPHANT RETURN OF DANNY RAND! • No more hiding! Danny Rand comes home. • The choice must be made once again: LIFE OR DEATH? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 THE PUNISHER #15 NATHAN EDMONDSON (W) Mitch Gerads (A/C) THE TRUTH WILL GET YOU PUNISHED! • Can Frank lure the Howling Commandos to his side? What will happen to them if he can’t? • Officer Sammy Stone is reborn in blood. • Frank finds himself up against a force that will test his morals, his resolve, and his his fiber as a soldier. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 MS. MARVEL #12 G. WILLOW WILSON (W) • TAKESHI MIYAZAWA (A) Cover by KRIS ANKA • Love is in Jersey City as Valentine’s Day arrives! • Kamala Khan may not be allowed to go to the dance, but Ms. Marvel is! • Well sort of – by crashing it attempting to capture Asgard’s most annoying trickster! • Yup, it’s a special Valentine’s Day issue featuring Marvel’s favorite charlatan, Loki! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99 ALL-NEW INVADERS #15 JAMES ROBINSON (W) STEVE PUGH (A/C) THE RETURN OF TORO PART TWO • As the series draws to a close, STEVE ROGERS, JIM HAMMOND and NAMOR consider the INVADERS’ past and future. • Meanwhile the Neo-Nazi threat that these heroes (including RADIANCE and SAM WILSON CAPTAIN AMERICA) face, now involves both LASH and the Royal Family of the INHUMANS, with both sides after both TORO and IRON CROSS. • And what of the impending threats from the MARTIANS, the KREE and ETERNALS? • And the final fate of HAIRBALL THE CAT. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER #11 FELIPE SMITH (W) FELIPE SMITH (A) COVER BY Fiona Staples L.A. NIGHTS BURN BRIGHT WITH THE FLAMES OF VENGEANCE! • Having tamed satanic serial killer ELI MORROW’S Spirit, ROBBIE REYES boldly enforces justice on the streets of LA…but can’t seem to keep things in order at home. • Little brother GABE’S medical condition is improving by leaps and bounds but something’s causing his relationship with Robbie to deteriorate just as quickly. • As ALL-NEW GHOST RIDER’S powers continue to evolve, Robbie finds out a shocking truth about his long lost parents. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 DEATHLOK #5 NATHAN EDMONDSON (W) • MIKE PERKINS(A/C) VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • A search for his daughter lands Henry Hayes in the hospital. • Will SHIELD find him before BIOTEK does? • Andrea is in over her head, until a powerful friend comes to help. • Deathlok’s future is uncertain as the first arc of the hot new series draws to a close! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 BLACK WIDOW #15 NATHAN EDMONDSON (W) PHIL NOTO (A/C) Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO • The moment we’ve all been waiting for: Natasha confronts Chaos! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 ELEKTRA #11 HADEN BLACKMAN (W) MICHAEL DEL MUNDO (A/C) SERIES FINALE! • Bullseye. • Elektra. • Final round. You ready? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 HULK #11 GERRY DUGGAN (W) • MARK BAGLEY (A/C) VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO OMEGA HULK HAS OFFICIALLY BOUGHT A TICKET TO HELL... • DOC GREEN sets his sights on LYRA…A.K.A. THE SAVAGE SHE-HULK FROM THUNDRA’S FUTURE!!! • Science runs amok! • Mistakes will be made! • No happy ending here! 32 PGS./Rated T …$3.99 MILES MORALES: ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN #10 BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W) DAVID MARQUEZ (A/C) MILES MORALES: FRIEND OR FOE TO HYDRA? • MILES confronts his family’s past and his terrifying future • The man behind the mysteries of the HUMAN FLIES plans reveals himself… and it’s NOT good news for Miles. • All this and Miles unleashes a NEW SPIDER-POWER!! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 SPIDER-MAN & THE X-MEN #3 ELLIOTT KALAN (W) • MARCO FAILLA (A) Cover by STACEY LEE VARIANT COVER BY TBA • Good news! Spider-Man & his X-Students got the 11:30pm late night talk show slot! • Bad News! His executive producers are Chameleon and Mojo! And his first guests are The Sinister Sixty-Six! • Plus! The return of Wolverine? Well...kind of. (Not really. But sort of.) 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 CYCLOPS #10 JOHN LAYMAN (w) JAVIER GARRON (a) Cover by ALEXANDER LOZANO •Out of the fire, and into the frying pan. Or, more precisely, out of spaceship full of pirate killers and into the alien jungle filled with giant hungry space monsters! •Cyclops and Corsair are reunited at last, but will they survive long enough to survive their touching reunion? •Oh, and what’s that strange ticking noise? Could it be coming from the nearby superweapon capable of DESTROYING ENTIRE GALAXIES? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 X-FORCE #15 SIMON SPURRIER (W) ROCK-HE KIM (A/C) • THIS IS IT! • In the final showdown with Fantomex, X-Force gives everything they have to defeat their power-mad teammate-turned-adversary! • And in the end, not everyone will emerge unscathed… 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 UNCANNY X-MEN #32 BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W) • CHRIS BACHALO (A/C) Variant Cover by PHIL NOTO • CYCLOPS at a crossroads! Magneto…Matthew Malloy…the Last Will and Testament of Charles Xavier…AXIS…all of these pivotal events have driven this already tempestuous mutant to the edge of disaster. • Will Scott Summers save himself from ruin or will he make that fateful leap?! 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 DEADPOOL #42 BRIAN POSEHN & GERRY DUGGAN (W) SALVADOR ESPIN (A) Cover by MARK BROOKS VARIANT COVER BY PHIL NOTO • DEADPOOL vs. OMEGA RED! • This time, it’s personal! • Well, for one of them. Sort of. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 RETURN OF THE LIVING DEADPOOL #1 (OF 4) CULLEN BUNN (W) • NIK VIRELLA (A) Cover by JAY SHAW VARIANT Cover by Ryan Stegman Last year, Cullen Bunn brought us NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEADPOOL, the hit tale of the Merc with the Mouth trapped in the zombie apocalypse. In the end, our hero found a “cure” of sorts to this horrible outbreak—any zombie that ate Deadpool transformed...into another Deadpool. And they lived happily ever after? Not so fast, as Cullen Bunn returns, joined by the amazing artwork of Nicole Virella, to let us know that wandering hordes of Deadpools might just be worse than flesh-hungry walking corpses. 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 STORM #8 GREG PAK (W) PHIL BRIONES (A) Cover by STEPHANIE HANS • On the run and trying to clear her name, Storm pursues the mastermind who made her a fugitive from the law! • And in order to do it, she just might call in help from some unexpected places… 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 NIGHTCRAWLER #11 CHRIS CLAREMONT (W) TODD NAUCK (A/C) • The Shadow King. The Crimson Pirates. The forces of Heaven and Hell. Nightcrawler is cutting through his foes to protect those nearest and dearest to him. • But in his struggles with his return from the afterlife, will Nightcrawler take his one-man-war too far? 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 AMAZING X-MEN #17 CHRISTOPHER YOST & CRAIG KYLE (W) JORGE FORNES (A/C) THE ONCE AND FUTURE JUGGERNAUT 3 of 4 • Sure, the Juggernaut is bad. But what’s the worst case scenario of possessing that power? You’re about to see. • “Unstoppable” takes on a whole new meaning as someone finally gets their hands on Cyttorak’s gem. • The X-Men have fallen. The Juggernaut rises. Bring a change of underwear. 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 MAGNETO #15 CULLEN BUNN (W) • GABRIEL HERNANDEZ WALTA (A) Cover by DAN PANOSIAN • S.H.I.E.L.D. has Magneto in its clutches. • But just what ace does Magneto have up his sleeve that might allow him to turn the tables on his captors? 32 PGS./Parental Advisory …$3.99 X-MEN #24 G. WILLOW WILSON (W) • ROLAND BOSCHI (A) Cover by TERRY DODSON • Trapped deep underground in the sinkhole that mysteriously appeared in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, STORM battles her claustrophobia while trying to find answers. • Meanwhile, her teammates above ground discover that the phenomenon has ties to old enemies… 32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99 ICON KICK-ASS 3 TPB MARK MILLAR (W) • JOHN ROMITA JR. (A/C) The grand finale of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr.’s blockbuster! With Hit-Girl in jail, Kick-Ass must lead the super-hero team Justice Forever. But heroes have been outlawed, leaving Kick-Ass to dodge both cops and some terrifying new foes! For the first time, Kick-Ass begins to doubt. Is he in too deep? Meanwhile, Hit-Girl starts running all the gangs in the joint, and a broken Red Mist gets an education from a terrifying crime boss. Soon every costumed hero is not only running from the law…they’re running for their lives. As the body count rises, Kick-Ass must decide if bringing justice to the city is truly worth the price. Plus: the secret origin of Hit-Girl! How did little Mindy McCready earn her assassin stripes? Find out as KICK-ASS comes to its epic conclusion! Collecting KICK-ASS 3 #1-8. 232 PGS./Mature …$24.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-8489-8 MEN OF WRATH #5 (OF 5) JASON AARON (W) • RON GARNEY (A/C) Variant Cover by ALEX ROSS “Jason Aaron and Ron Garney pull no punches in this darkly magnetic read” – IGN “This is one messed up comic book that I took sheer delight in reading” – Comics Beat “These are talented creators telling a gut punching tale” – Comicosity Bear witness as JASON AARON (Southern Bastards, Original Sin) & RON GARNEY (Wolverine:Weapon X, Thor: God of Thunder) bring the story of the Raths to a bloody conclusion. It all started with some sheep. It won’t end until everyone is dead. 32 PGS./Mature …$3.50 POWERS #3 BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W) • MICHAEL AVON OEMING (A/C) Variant Cover by DAVID MACK Photo Variant Also Available An all-new chapter in the Eisner Award-winning series that turns the police procedural on its head. Walker and Deena are reunited and discover things about each other they never knew – even after all these years. Plus: an unsolvable powers case that could determine the fate of the entire Powers Department. Read the comic and see the brand-new powers TV show on the PlayStation Network. The letter column will feature exclusive behind-the-scenes info on the show from executive producer Brian Michael Bendis! 32 PGS./Mature …$3.99 Collected Editions AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS HC Written by RICK REMENDER Penciled by ADAM KUBERT, LEINIL FRANCIS YU, TERRY DODSON & JIM CHEUNG Cover by JIM CHEUNG The Red Onslaught is broadcasting waves of telepathic hate across the globe — and Marvel’s greatest heroes have turned on their moral axis! What will the Avengers and X-Men find in the Red Skull’s bleak “re-education camps”? What is Tony Stark’s dark secret? And with the heroes “inverted” to evil, who will stand against them? How about an army of villains?! Magneto betrays his alliance, a founding Avenger quits, and the Scarlet Witch is forced to join Dr. Doom! And who are Kluh and the Sorceress Supreme? As the Axis of Evil strikes down the heroes, the all-new Astonishing Avengers battle the Uncanny X-Men! Witness an X-Man’s horrifying fate — and an Avenger’s appalling choice! Who will live or die? Who will remain inverted? The shocking climax will crack the Marvel Universe to its core! Collecting AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS #1-9. 240 PGS./Rated T+ …$49.99 Trim size: oversized STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC DAY COVER Written by ARCHIE GOODWIN, WALLY LOMBEGO, LARRY HAMA, MIKE W. BARR, DAVID MICHELINIE, CHRIS CLAREMONT, LOUISE SIMONSON, WALTER SIMONSON, JO DUFFY & MORE Penciled by CARMINE INFANTINO, WALTER SIMONSON, AL WILLIAMSON, JOE BROZOWSKI, RON FRENZ, GENE DAY, KERRY GAMMILL & LUKE MCDONNELL Covers by GENE DAY & GREG HILDEBRANDT The very first STAR WARS comic-book series continues! After the events of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, loveable rogue Han Solo is lost, frozen in carbonite. But as the search for Solo begins, Imperial Forces and other troubles keep getting in the way. Princess Leia clashes with Darth Vader! Luke Skywalker goes on trial for treason! C-3PO and R2-D2 face danger on a droid moon! Lando Calrissian finds Cloud City deserted! If the Crimson Forever doesn’t get the rebels, maybe the new Imperial super-weapon will! And a new member joins the gang, with a crush on a certain handsome Jedi! Meanwhile, the discovery of a gold statue of Han reveals a hidden story from his and Chewbacca’s past. And who are the Hoojibs? It’s Star Wars in the Mighty Marvel Manner! Collecting STAR WARS (1977) #45-78 and ANNUAL #2. 848 PGS./Rated T …$125.00 Trim size: oversized STAR WARS: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS VOL. 2 HC HILDEBRANDT COVER (DM ONLY) 848 PGS./Rated T …$125.00 Trim size: oversized AVENGERS: RAGE OF ULTRON OGN-HC Written by RICK REMENDER Penciled by JEROME OPEÑA Cover by JEROME OPEÑA It was another glorious victory for the Mighty Avengers. Good triumphed over evil and Ultron was shot into space, never to be seen again. Or so they thought. Now, years later, the homicidal artificial intelligence — so long devoted to ending life on Earth — has found a new world to conquer… one with its own horrific legacy. When Titan, birthplace of Thanos, falls, Planet Ultron rises in its place! Thanos’ brother Starfox must seek the aid of his former allies — but the Avengers he finds are radically different from the ones he once knew. Among them is Ultron’s creator Giant-Man — and when Hank Pym confronts his now planet-sized “son,” the responsibilities of fatherhood have never loomed so large. Rick Remender (UNCANNY AVENGERS) and Jerome Opeña (AVENGERS) unleash the full robotic rage of Ultron on Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! 120 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 Trim size: oversized AVENGERS: QUICKSILVER TPB Written by TOM PEYER, JOE EDKIN & JOHN OSTRANDER Penciled by CASEY JONES, ROB HAYNES, DEREC AUCOIN, IVAN REIS, PASQUAL FERRY & CHRIS RENAUD Cover by GEORGE PÉREZ In the wake of Onslaught, the Avenger called Quicksilver forges a new path! When Wundagore Mountain falls to Exodus and his fanatical Acolytes, the High Evolutionary puts the mercurial mutant in charge of the evolved beasts known as the Knights of Wundagore. Now, the newly honored “Sir Pietro” leads these animals-turned-New Men out into an unfamiliar world, and straight into an encounter with Thundra and Arkon! But when the heroes return — and Quicksilver is reunited with his sister, the Scarlet Witch; his ex-wife, Crystal; and the other Avengers and Inhumans — it all races to a chaotic climax and a Siege of Wundagore. Pietro joins the Heroes for Hire in final battle with Exodus, his Acolyte, and the resurgent High Evolutionary! Collecting QUICKSILVER #1-13, HEROES FOR HIRE (1997) #15-16 and HEROES FOR HIRE/QUICKSILVER ANNUAL ’98. 440 PGS./Rated T …$34.99 HAWKEYE: AVENGING ARCHER TPB Written by JIM MCCANN & DUANE SWIERCZYNSKI Penciled by DAVID LOPEZ, MANUEL GARCIA & PACO DIAZ LUQUE Cover by JO CHEN Hawkeye, the world’s greatest marksman, is reunited with his ex-wife — super-spy Mockingbird! Thought dead for years, Mockingbird is eager to punch some bad guys. But when Clint tags along on her mission, can they ignore their feelings long enough to save the day? Or will old foes Crossfire and the Phantom Rider destroy them first? Plus: When Mockingbird is targeted for death along with Hawkeye’s former flame the Black Widow, Hawk and Mock must discover who’s killing Marvel’s super-spies — and the shock ending will leave Clint blindsided! It’s high-octane action and intrigue as Hawkeye and Mockingbird take on the world’s biggest threats — and each other! Collecting NEW AVENGERS: THE REUNION #1-4, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD #1-6, WIDOWMAKER #1-4, HAWKEYE: BLINDSPOT #1-4, HAWKEYE & MOCKINGBIRD SKETCHBOOK, and material from DARK REIGN: NEW NATION #1 and ENTER THE HEROIC AGE #1. 480 PGS./Rated T+ …$34.99 MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON PRELUDE TPB Written by WILL CORONA PILGRIM, ROY THOMAS, KURT BUSIEK & BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by JOE BENNETT, JOHN BUSCEMA, GEORGE PEREZ & BRYAN HITCH The Avengers make their explosive return to the big screen this spring, and we’ve got everything you need to prepare right here! First, relive the historic first meeting between Marvel’s mightiest heroes as Loki’s plot to gain ultimate power sparks a worldwide manhunt, a vicious battle against the invading Chitauri in the heart of New York City and the founding of the mighty Avengers! Next, thrill to an all-new Infinite-style adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! What world-shaking threats have the Avengers battled since their last film? And can anything prepare them for the looming peril of the mad mechanoid known as Ultron? Plus: Thrill to classic adventures as Ultron manipulates the Vision, conquers a nation and battles the Avengers! Collecting MARVEL’S THE AVENGERS #1-2, AVENGERS CINEMATIC INFINITE COMIC #1, AVENGERS (1963) #57-58, AVENGERS (1998) #22 and AVENGERS (2010) #12.1. 184 PGS./Rated T+ …$16.99 AVENGERS: TIME RUNS OUT VOL. 2 PREMIERE HC Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Penciled by STEFANO CASELLI, MIKE DEODATO JR. & KEV WALKER Cover by ALAN DAVIS For Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Illuminati, it has all been building to this. After two years of carefully crafting his cataclysmic saga, writer Jonathan Hickman jumps ahead eight months to the grand finale, the honest-to-goodness immediate future of the Marvel Universe — and the day of the Final Incursion! After the revelation of the Illuminati’s desperate, world-destroying actions, the Avengers are fragmented! While one group seeks out the Illuminati for a confrontation, another takes the fight to the new Cabal! Discover what has become of Tony Stark — to say nothing of Dr. Strange! And have all the battles they’ve endured, and the sacrifices they’ve made, prepared either group for the inevitable moment where time runs out for everybody? The second act of the astonishing climax to Jonathan Hickman’s legendary run is here! Collecting AVENGERS (2012) #38-39 and NEW AVENGERS (2013) #26-28. 112 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 Trim size: standard SECRET AVENGERS VOL. 2: THE LABYRINTH TPB Written by ALES KOT Penciled by MICHAEL WALSH Cover by TRADD MOORE As Coulson’s investigation takes him to Peru, Black Widow, Spider-Woman and Hawkeye go after Lady Bullseye and Artaud Derrida. The noose tightens as Maria Hill puts the pieces together, and the Secret Avengers find themselves hunted! What does S.H.I.E.L.D. want with the Fury? What is Tlon? M.O.D.O.K. explains it all — including his own amazing origin! And as Hawkeye and Deadpool team up, secrets come to light — and they might cost Black Widow her life! The true mastermind of the decay at the center of the Secret Avengers initiative is revealed, and the clues trace back to the start of it all! Hawkeye and Coulson face off, Vladimir makes a deal with the Fury, and the Helicarrier comes under attack! But with Maria Hill gone, what happens to the rest of the team? Collecting SECRET AVENGERS (2014) #6-10. 112 PGS./Rated T+ …$12.99 UNCANNY AVENGERS OMNIBUS HC Written by RICK REMENDER with GERRY DUGGAN Penciled by JOHN CASSADAY, OLIVIER COIPEL, DANIEL ACUNA, ADAM KUBERT, SALVADOR LARROCA, STEVE MCNIVEN, PAUL RENAUD & SANFORD GREENE Cover by JOHN CASSADAY In the wake of Professor X’s death, Captain America creates a new Avengers unit comprised of Avengers and X-Men — humans and mutants working together. But the Red Skull has plans to destroy all mutants — and when he exhumes Xavier’s telepathic brain, he just might be able to do it! Can the new squad triumph over the Skull’s bizarre S-Men? Meanwhile, the Apocalypse Twins arrive with shocking plans for the future! The new Four Horsemen of Death are unleashed, and Avengers begin to die. But with the fate of the world literally in the balance, what happens if the heroes fail? Years in the future, Kang the Conqueror’s Chronos Corps arrive on Planet X — but can the shattered remains of the team salvage the past? Rick Remender’s epic saga is collected in one volume! Collecting UNCANNY AVENGERS #1-25, #8AU and ANNUAL #1. 672 PGS./Rated T+ …$99.99 Trim size: oversized UNCANNY AVENGERS OMNIBUS (DM ONLY) 672 PGS./Rated T+ …$99.99 Trim size: oversized NEW AVENGERS VOL. 3: OTHER WORLDS TPB Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Penciled by SIMONE BIANCHI & RAGS MORALES Cover by MIKE DEODATO JR. The Multiverse is slowly collapsing, destroying entire dimensions, and the Illuminati must combat the ever-increasing Incursions. As they meet the Mapmakers, cartographers of the Apocalypse, they discover the Black Swan’s secrets and cope with their own personal challenges. Black Bolt’s kingdom remains in chaos; the release of the Terrigen Bomb has split the Inhumans and upset the natural world. Reed Richards transforms one of his greatest inventions in order to view the death of worlds, as Dr. Strange considers selling his soul. Black Panther, cast from his kingdom, seeks to end the Wakandan war with Atlantis — and avenge Namor’s slaughter of his people. There’s no turning back for the Illuminati. They’ll pay the price for their sins. But must these new Avengers destroy a perfect world so that the Earth can live? Collecting NEW AVENGERS (2013) #13.INH and #14-17. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99 AVENGERS VOL. 5: ADAPT OR DIE TPB Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Penciled by ESAD RIBIC & SALVADOR LARROCA Cover by ESAD RIBIC In the wake of INFINITY, Captain America and Iron Man plan for the next version of the Avengers. But they soon discover that a runaway planet is on a collision course with Earth! A visitor from the future might help save the day…but how? Then: It worked for the X-Men. Would we be so crass as to do it again? Yes, yes we would! It’s a blast from the past as Marvel introduces the All-New Avengers! But as the Science War overtakes the world(s), what is the secret behind this time-tossed team, and how is A.I.M. involved? When the answers are revealed, you’ll wish they remained hidden! And as Bruce Banner puts together the pieces of the Illuminati and confronts Iron Man, the collision of the Avengers and the New Avengers is imminent! Collecting AVENGERS (2012) #24-28. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1 HC—MOVIE COVER Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by STEVE MCNIVEN, SARA PICHELLI, FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA, KEVIN MAGUIRE, MICHAEL AVON OEMING, MICHAEL DEL MUNDO, MING DOYLE & YVES BIGEREL Variant Cover by STEVE McNIVEN Why has Earth suddenly become the most important planet in the galaxy? The Guardians of the Galaxy plan to find out! Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, Groot — and the invincible Iron Man — embark on an explosive adventure! The secrets they discover will rattle readers for years to come! But while Earth deals with a brutal Badoon invasion, the Guardians’ fate has been decided millions of miles away! Then, Heaven’s most fearsome angel comes for the Guardians! And when Gamora battles the mysterious Angela, the universe hangs in the balance! The Guardians find themselves at a crossroads when Thanos’ master plan takes shape. Can Angela’s power help combat INFINITY? And will Star-Lord betray the entire universe? The cosmic blockbuster hit begins here! Collecting GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2013) #0.1 and #1-10, and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: TOMORROW’S AVENGERS #1. 312 PGS./Rated T+ …$34.99 Trim size: oversized GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 1 HC—MCNIVEN COVER (DM ONLY) 312 PGS./Rated T+ …$34.99 ISBN: 978-0-7851-9775-1 Trim size: oversized GIANT-SIZE X-MEN 40TH ANNIVERSARY HC Written by LEN WEIN, CHRIS CLAREMONT, JOSS WHEDON, CHRIS YOST, ED BRUBAKER, ROY THOMAS & KURT BUSIEK Penciled by DAVE COCKRUM, JOHN BOLTON, NEAL ADAMS, RICK LEONARDI, TREVOR HAIRSINE, MARK TEXEIRA, PETE WOODS, RICH BUCKLER, RODNEY RAMOS, PAT OLLIFFE & JORGE MOLINA Cover by ALEX ROSS Celebrate the birthday of the book that made a Giant-Size impact on comics! Revisit the fateful day that Professor X gathered an all-new, all-different, multinational mix of mutants — as Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Banshee, Sunfire, Thunderbird and some guy named Wolverine unite with Cyclops in the rescue tale that ushered in four decades of uncanny adventures! See how the original team reacted to the newly expanded roster! Learn the tragic histories of Colossus and Wolverine! Ask yourself “What If?” they all died or never even met! And savor the explosive epic that revealed the group’s true deadly genesis and the ill-fated existence of a previous team! Collecting GIANT-SIZE X-MEN #1 and #3-4, CLASSIC X-MEN #1, X-MEN ORIGINS: COLOSSUS #1, X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE #1, X-MEN: DEADLY GENESIS #1-6, WHAT IF? (1989) #9 and #23, and material from X-MEN GOLD #1. 440 PGS./Rated T+ …$39.99 Trim size: oversized UNCANNY X-MEN VOL. 5: THE OMEGA MUTANT PREMIERE HC Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by CHRIS BACHALO & KRIS ANKA Cover by CHRIS BACHALO Everything has been leading to this: a turning point for the Uncanny X-Men! And it all revolves around their deceased former mentor and leader, Professor Charles Xavier! Scott Summers has swiftly become one of the world’s most wanted men. Thanks to the Phoenix-possessed murder of Professor X, he destroyed his former life and must now remain constantly vigilant in case of attack. But is the greatest threat to his safety lurking within the dark recesses of his own mind? Then, Magneto returns to the X-Men, but they’re certainly not happy to see him. In the fallout from AXIS, the team returns to the school to lick their wounds and search for an identity. Are they terrorists, revolutionaries, teachers or something else entirely? For some, the events of AXIS may have left a deeper wound than anyone realizes. Collecting UNCANNY X-MEN (2013) #26-31. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 Trim size: standard GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 4: ORIGINAL SIN PREMIERE HC Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Penciled by FRANK CHO, ED MCGUINNESS & VALERIO SCHITI Cover by ED MCGUINNESS Remember when Star-Lord, Thanos and Nova were trapped in the horrific Cancerverse? When Star-Lord and Nova were going to sacrifice their lives to take out Thanos once and for all? And remember how Drax was supposed to have died? But Star-Lord, Drax and Thanos seem to be running around just fine nowadays. So what exactly happened to Richard Rider? It’s finally time to get some answers about the true ending of the Cancerverse saga! Then, when Venom leads the team to an entire world teeming with his fellow alien symbiotes, will the Guardians ever trust Flash Thompson again? His symbiote is becoming more and more uncontrollable, and this may be seriously bad news for the team. Plus: What is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier doing in space?! Collecting GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY (2013) #18-23 and ANNUAL #1. 168 PGS./Rated T …$29.99 Trim size: standard ONCE UPON A TIME: OUT OF THE PAST PREMIERE HC WRITTEN BY KALINDA VAZQUEZ & Corinna BECHKO Penciled by JANET LEE, BETSY PETERSCHMIDT, PASCAL CAMPION & VANESA DEL REY Cover by STACEY LEE Return to the immersive world of ABC’s hit TV series ONCE UPON A TIME with an all-new sequel to the original graphic novel, ONCE UPON A TIME: SHADOW OF THE QUEEN. Welcome to the Enchanted Forest, where the characters from classic fairy tales have come to life — and are locked in an epic struggle between good and evil! Plotted by series writer and co-executive producer Kalinda Vazquez, and co-written by returning author Corinna Bechko, this all-new blockbuster will spin four spellbinding, never-before-told tales of fan-favorite characters! 112 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 Trim size: standard MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE INCREDIBLE HULK VOL. 9 HC Written by STEVE ENGLEHART with ARCHIE GOODWIN, ROY THOMAS, STEVE GERBER & CHRIS CLAREMONT Penciled by HERB TRIMPE Cover by HERB TRIMPE Artist Herb Trimpe is joined by writer Steve Englehart for another Hulk-sized Marvel Masterworks edition! But first, a trip to Counter-Earth, where Hulk confronts his most-hated enemy: Bruce Banner! Add in the Rhino and the Abomination, and the action and drama can’t be contained! Then, Hulk heads for Canada where the X-Men’s Mimic returns, and the Wendigo makes his first appearance! And Hulk’s travels will take him both over land and undersea until he returns to the United States to unleash his vengeance on General Thunderbolt Ross! When the malevolent M.O.D.O.K. mutates Betty Ross into the Harpy, Hulk must save her — even if she’s now married to Glenn Talbot — in an adventure that ends like every Hulk story ought to: with the green goliath battling giant monsters! Collecting INCREDIBLE HULK (1968) #157-170. 304 PGS./Rated T …$75.00 MARVEL MASTERWORKS: THE INCREDIBLE HULK VOL. 9 HC — VARIANT EDITION VOL. 218 (DM ONLY) 304 PGS./Rated T …$75.00 CAPTAIN AMERICA: RETURN OF THE WINTER SOLDIER OMNIBUS HC Written by ED BRUBAKER, MARC ANDREYKO, JAMES ASMUS & CULLEN BUNN Penciled by CHRIS SAMNEE, FRANCESCO FRANCAVILLA, JACKSON GUICE, MICHAEL LARK, PATRICK ZIRCHER, SCOT EATON & STEVE EPTING Cover by STEVE EPTING Ed Brubaker’s award-winning Captain America run concludes! As Captain America’s staunch ally Bucky, James Buchanan Barnes was one of America’s greatest heroes of WWII — until he was brainwashed into becoming the Soviet spy known as the Winter Soldier. Now, in the aftermath of FEAR ITSELF, James is the Winter Soldier again! When Russian sleeper agents awaken and old enemies resurface with new identities, Winter Soldier and Black Widow clash with Dr. Doom — and James must save the Widow from her own past! But even with help from Wolverine and Hawkeye, must Bucky sacrifice everything to save his love? Meanwhile, Captain America takes on Scourge and the Discordians, while a deadly villain from the past reveals a mystery spanning generations of heroes! Collecting CAPTAIN AMERICA AND BUCKY #620-628, FEAR ITSELF #7.1: CAPTAIN AMERICA, WINTER SOLDIER #1-14 and CAPTAIN AMERICA (2011) #11-19. 752 PGS./Rated T+ …$99.99 Trim size: oversized MIRACLEMAN BOOK 3: OLYMPUS PREMIERE HC—ADAMS COVER Written by THE ORIGINAL WRITER, GRANT MORRISON & PETER MILLIGAN Penciled by JOHN TOTLEBEN, JOE QUESADA & MIKE ALLRED Covers by ARTHUR ADAMS & JIM CHEUNG The first era of the critically acclaimed MIRACLEMAN saga reaches its climax! As the alien Qys close in, a hidden survivor of Project Zarathustra is revealed! Mankind’s fate hangs in the balance before a tribunal of the Warpsmiths, while Johnny Bates’ torment sets the stage for the horrific return of Kid Miracleman. Pushing the concept of the super hero to its logical conclusion, OLYMPUS presents a vision of a utopia as shocking as it compelling in one of the most challenging works of super-hero fiction, finally back in print after more than 20 years. Plus: In a pair of all-new tales, Joe Quesada illustrates Grant Morrison’s lost Miracleman story, a disturbing confrontation prior to the Battle of London — and Peter Milligan and Mike Allred reunite for a new Miracleman classic! Collecting MIRACLEMAN (2014) #11-16 and ALL-NEW MIRACLEMAN ANNUAL #1. 328 PGS./Mature …$39.99 Trim size: standard MIRACLEMAN BOOK 3: OLYMPUS PREMIERE HC—CHEUNG COVER (DM ONLY) 328 PGS./Mature …$39.99 Trim size: standard MIRACLEMAN BOOK 3: OLYMPUS PREMIERE HC—TOTLEBEN COVER (DM ONLY) 328 PGS./Mature …$39.99 Trim size: standard MS. MARVEL VOL. 2: GENERATION WHY TPB Written by G. WILLOW WILSON Penciled by JACOB WYATT & ADRIAN ALPHONA Cover by JAMIE MCKELVIE Who is the Inventor, and what does he want with the all-new Ms. Marvel and all her friends? Maybe Wolverine can help! If Kamala can stop fan-girling out about meeting her favorite super hero, that is. Then, Kamala crosses paths with Inhumanity — by meeting the royal dog, Lockjaw! But why is Lockjaw really with Kamala? As Ms. Marvel discovers more about her past, the Inventor continues to threaten her future. Kamala bands together with some unlikely heroes to stop the maniacal villain before he does real damage, but has she taken on more than she can handle? And how much longer can Ms. Marvel’s life take over Kamala Khan’s? The fan-favorite, critically acclaimed, amazing new series continues as Kamala Khan proves why she’s the best (and most adorable) new super hero there is! Collecting MS. MARVEL (2014) #6-11. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$15.99 DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE — THE PRISONER TPB Written by PETER DAVID & ROBIN FURTH Penciled by PIOTR KOWALSKI Cover by JULIAN TOTINO TEDESCO The Dark Tower saga begins again — on Earth! If you thought the badlands of Mid-World were dangerous, wait until you experience Brooklyn in the 1960s! Meet Eddie Dean, a troubled young man able to open doors to other worlds. Now, Eddie must survive family tragedy, haunting addiction and deadly forces that conspire to stop him from growing up to challenge the Man in Black! Without his mother, what will happen to Eddie and his brother, Henry? What horrors await within the Dutch Hill Mansion? And what offer does the criminal called Balazar make? With magic doors appearing, strange voices in his head and monstrous lobstrosities hungry for his flesh, can Eddie survive his desperate mission? Stephen King’s dark fantasy epic spills onto the streets of New York City! Collecting DARK TOWER: THE DRAWING OF THE THREE — THE PRISONER #1-5. 136 PGS./Mature …$19.99 THOR EPIC COLLECTION: TO WAKE THE MANGOG TPB Volume #4 in the Thor Epic Collections Written by STAN LEE Penciled by JACK KIRBY Cover by JACK KIRBY From the darkened depths rises a peril greater than any Thor has ever before faced. Mangog threatens to unsheathe the Odinsword and bring Ragnarok upon the Norse gods in this collection of Asgardian classics! And that’s just the beginning — because in Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s Thor, there’s always another cosmic adventure around the corner! Case in point: a cosmic battle between Galactus and Ego the Living Planet; the return of “Him,” the man who would come to be known as Adam Warlock; and the universe-shaking origin of Galactus! Thor’s adventures get personal, too, with a surprising revelation regarding Donald Blake, the return of Jane Foster, and the dramatic dance between Balder and the Norn queen Karnilla! Collecting THOR (1966) #154-174. 456 PGS./Rated T …$34.99 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN EPIC COLLECTION: ROUND ROBIN TPB Volume #22 in the Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collections Written by DAVID MICHELINIE, AL MILGROM, GERRY CONWAY & STAN LEE Penciled by MARK BAGLEY, CHRIS MARRINAN, GUANG YAP, MARIE SEVERIN, ALAN KUPPERBERG, PARIS CULLINS & ROSS ANDRU Cover by ERIK LARSEN Spidey gets by with a little help from his friends! If he can survive a rematch with the Tri-Sentinel, this time without Captain Universe powers, Spider-Man will face a sidekick’s revenge! But wait, he never had a sidekick. So who is the Secret Empire’s cyborg powerhouse Midnight? To get to the bottom of this mess, the web-slinger will need to do a little old-fashioned teaming up. How’s Moon Knight, Punisher, Nova, Night Thrasher and Darkhawk? Not enough names? Well, the extravaganza known as the Vibranium Vendetta has Iron Man, Black Panther, Kingpin and…hoo-boy…the metallic menace known as Ultron! How does Peter Parker handle all this action without Cardiac problems? Oops, spoke too soon! Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) #351-360 and ANNUAL #25, SPECTACULAR SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #11, WEB OF SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #7 and SPIDER-MAN: FEAR ITSELF. 488 PGS./Rated T …$34.99 DEADPOOL’S ART OF WAR TPB Written by PETER DAVID Penciled by SCOTT KOBLISH Cover by SCOTT KOBLISH Sun Tzu’s Art of War has been called the definitive work on military strategy and tactics. It has influenced leaders in both warfare and business for hundreds of years. Which means it’s totally in the public domain, and ripe for being ripped off by Deadpool! And what’s Deadpool’s plan to ensure that his version outsells the original? Make sure the world is at war when it comes out! But Deadpool soon finds it’s easier starting a war than it is keeping the war under his control! Now, Loki has imprisoned ’Pool and is about to conquer Earth! Fortunately, Deadpool knows the art of war, right? (He does, that’s sort of the point. He’s teaching you about war in this series.) Will Deadpool’s war destroy Earth — or make him a best-selling author? Collecting DEADPOOL’S ART OF WAR #1-4. 96 PGS./Parental Advisory …$12.99 HAWKEYE VS. DEADPOOL TPB Written by GERRY DUGGAN Penciled by MATTEO LOLLI Cover by JAMES HARREN Once upon a time, champions emerged to fight the evil plaguing humanity. They fought for all that was good in the world. They were kind, generous and self-sacrificing. They were heroes. These are not those heroes. What do Hawkeye and Deadpool have in common? It’s Halloween in Brooklyn, and a S.H.I.E.L.D. espionage mystery has both heroes racing the clock. But things aren’t what they seem! Why are the bad guys dressed as good guys? And what does the Black Cat have to do with it? Marvel’s most beloved (and simultaneously annoying) duo is on the case! But with villains masquerading as heroes, who can Deadpool and Hawkeye trust? And no, it’s not one another. As the baddest brawlers in Brooklyn tear up the town, will Deadpool and Hawkeye kill each other before they figure it out? Collecting HAWKEYE VS. DEADPOOL #0-4. 112 PGS./Rated T+ …$16.99 ALL-NEW ULTIMATES VOL. 2: NO GODS, NO MASTERS TPB Written by MICHAEL FIFFE Penciled by GIANNIS MILONOGIANNIS & AMILCAR PINNA Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA It’s the deadliest battle of the super street war! Spider-Man, Black Widow, Kitty Pryde and Cloak & Dagger can barely hold back Vermin and Agent Crock, so how will they fare against the Femme Fatales and the supremacist Watchdogs? And as Bengal joins the police, will Scourge escape from prison and continue his killing spree of costumed crusaders? The all-new Ultimates’ ultimate nemesis finally strikes, and the team is picked off one by one. Can even Bombshell and the mercenary group Terror Inc. help protect them against Ecstasy, the new queen of crime? As Taskmaster attacks and Crossbones returns, can the Ultimates save the city from catastrophe yet again — and save themselves in the process? With monsters, mayhem and super-powered fisticuffs, it’s the life-changing conclusion for the rawest, grittiest new team on the block. Collecting ALL-NEW ULTIMATES #7-12. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99 LOKI, AGENT OF ASGARD VOL. 2: I CANNOT TELL A LIE TPB Written by AL EWING Penciled by JORGE COELHO & LEE GARBETT Cover by LEE GARBETT AXIS tie-in! Loki faces his greatest challenge yet: Dr. Doom! But with Valeria Richards in the mix, who’s the hero of this story — and who’s the villain? Loki learns that Doom has sentenced him to death for the crimes of his future self! But with the Red Skull drowning Doom, Latveria and the entire world in a wave of telepathic hate, will there even be a future left to save? And when the events of AXIS invert Loki, he begins a noble quest for truth, justice and the Asgardian way — which pits him against the Enchantress, Lorelei…and the brutish Thor, god of evil?! Loki’s inversion has another side effect, one that looks like it will stick around: the God of Lies can now only ever speak the truth. This might not go so well. Collecting LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD #6-11. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99 HULK VOL. 2: OMEGA HULK BOOK 1 TPB Written by GERRY DUGGAN with MONTE NERO Penciled by MARK BAGLEY with LUKE ROSS Cover by ALEX ROSS Writer Gerry Duggan (DEADPOOL) kicks off a shocking new direction for the Hulk! Iron Man saved Bruce Banner’s life, but at a strange price. Who or what is Doc Green, aka the Omega Hulk? And why is he targeting — and “curing” — the Hulk’s Gamma-powered extended family? Rick Jones is the first to face the sinister Doc, but he might not survive his prescription! Next, Doc Green takes on Skaar — but when someone else intercedes in the battle, all hell breaks loose! And don’t think the Doc has forgotten about the Gamma Corps and Red She-Hulk! But when it comes time for Red Hulk to take his medicine, there’ll be mass smashing and widespread destruction! Guest-starring Kitty Pryde and Daredevil! And oh yeah —who shot Bruce Banner to begin with? Plus: Someone close to HULK dies! What impact will this have on one of the most dangerous super beings on the planet? Collecting HULK (2014) #5-10 and ANNUAL #1. 136 PGS./Rated T …$19.99 DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE LOGAN LEGACY TPB Written by CHARLES SOULE, TIM SEELEY, MARGUERITE BENNETT, RAY FAWKES & JAMES TYNION IV Penciled by OLIVER NOME, ARIELA KRISTANTINA, JUAN DOE, ELIA BONETTI, ANDY CLARKE & PETER NGUYEN Cover by OLIVER NOME Wolverine is dead! And with Logan out of the picture, various factions are scrambling to fill the void! Will Wolverine’s decades-long legacy be shaped by the heroes who valiantly fought alongside him — or by the villains who have challenged him during the many years of his long life? Or both? X-23 and Daken react in surprising ways to the death of the man who literally gave them life! With Logan gone, Sabretooth’s rage takes on an entirely new shape and mission. Lady Deathstrike begins a quest to obtain something deadly that formerly belonged to Wolverine, while Mystique comes to grips with her lifetime of crime — and with her destiny. And a vampiric menace shadows all of them! What monumental decision will these heroes and villains make that will forever alter Logan’s legacy? Collecting DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE LOGAN LEGACY #1-7. 160 PGS./Rated T+ …$17.99 DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE WEAPON X PROGRAM TPB Written by CHARLES SOULE with JEFF LOVENESS, JOSHUA FIALKOV & REX OGLE Penciled by SALVADOR LARROCA with MARIO DEL PENNINO, IBAN COELLO & PATRICK SCHERBERGER Cover by SALVADOR LARROCA The Weapon X Program has been restarted — but when its subjects escape, they face increasingly deadly attempts to reclaim them. What will kill them first — their pasts, their strange new powers or their mysterious connections to Wolverine? And what happens when they find the man with some answers: Sabretooth?! As pieces start to come together, the team learns that they have more in common than they thought. Coincidence, or the sign of something bigger? One team member isn’t what they appear to be — and one is more than they seem. But who is in charge of the overall program, and what do they gain from experimenting on mutants? And how do the escapees tie into something more sinister than they could possibly imagine? Collecting DEATH OF WOLVERINE: THE WEAPON X PROGRAM #1-5 & DEATH OF WOLVERINE: LIFE AFTER LOGAN #1. 136 PGS./Parental Advisory …$19.99 GEORGE ROMERO’S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT TWO TPB Written by GEORGE ROMERO Penciled by DALIBOR TALAJIC Cover by ALEXANDER LOZANO It’s zombies vs. vampires vs. an invading Southern militia as the legendary George Romero unleashes the next chapter in his ferocious undead epic! Welcome back to a very different New York City, still standing — barely — years after a world-changing undead plague. Zombies are used for sport in the arena, and vampires rule the city! But now outside forces are knocking on Manhattan’s walls, and death rains down from above! As Mayor Chandrake makes deadly power plays, are Barnum and Penny vampires? Can Dixie control the rogue militia? What is Jo and Xavier’s fate? And what’s worse for the city’s few remaining normal residents: the roaming flesh-eaters who seem to grow smarter every day, the ruling blood-suckers struggling to stay in power or the militia bent on pillaging the city? Collecting GEORGE ROMERO’S EMPIRE OF THE DEAD: ACT TWO #1-5. 128 PGS./Parental Advisory …$19.99 SUPER-VILLAINS UNITE: THE COMPLETE SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP TPB Written by ROY THOMAS, TONY ISABELLA, JIM SHOOTER, BILL MANTLO, STEVE ENGLEHART, GERRY CONWAY & PETER B. GILLIS Penciled by JOHN BUSCEMA, MIKE SEKOWSKY, GEORGE EVANS, SAL BUSCEMA, HERB TRIMPE, KEITH GIFFEN, GEORGE PEREZ, JIM SHOOTER, BOB HALL, CARMINE INFANTINO & ARVELL JONES Cover by RON WILSON The Lord of Latveria and Atlantis’ Avenging Son forge the Marvel Universe’s most volatile alliance! But when the Sub-Mariner regrets his decision, he finds it’s not that easy to walk away from a pact with Doom. Can anything get him out of this torturous team-up? Maybe the Fantastic Four — but probably not the Avengers, who’ve been enslaved by Attuma! And while Dr. Doom has his gauntlets full keeping Namor in line, the Red Skull sets his sights on Latveria! When Captain America sides with Doom, you know you’re in trouble. But both Doom and the Skull plan to enslave the Earth — and the only ones standing in their way are Magneto and the Champions! Introducing the Shroud and featuring the villainy of the Hate-Monger! Collecting GIANT-SIZE SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP #1-2, SUPER-VILLAIN TEAM-UP #1-14 and #16-17, AVENGERS (1963) #154-156, and CHAMPIONS #16. 464 PGS./Rated T …$34.99 IRON FIST: THE RETURN OF K’UN LUN TPB Written by JAMES FELDER, DAN JURGENS, JAY FAERBER, JIM MULLANEY, LEN WEIN & GENE HA Penciled by ROBERT BROWN, JACKSON GUICE, JAMAL IGLE, KEVIN LAU, RICARDO MAYS, MC WYMAN & GENE HA Cover by CARLOS PACHECO Presenting a complete collection of Iron Fist’s latter-day solo series! It’s a cavalcade of kung-fu capers that will transform your bookshelf like unto a thing of iron! Danny Rand faces the Steel Serpent — but it’s more like the “Steal Serpent” when he takes the power of the Iron Fist! Who is Death Sting, what does she want with the Scorpio Key — and what does she have to do with Danny’s sister? When an ancient evil rises, will Danny be Iron Fist no more? If so, he’ll need Wolverine’s help when Tokyo begins transforming into the mystical city of K’un Lun! Plus: Take a fresh look at the uncanny origin of Iron Fist! Collecting IRON FIST (1996) #1-2, IRON FIST (1998) #1-3, IRON FIST/WOLVERINE #1-4, IRON FIST (2004) #1-6, UNCANNY ORIGINS #14 and material from MARVEL KNIGHTS DOUBLE SHOT #4. 400 PGS./Rated T+ …$34.99 INHUMAN VOL. 2: AXIS TPB Written by CHARLES SOULE Penciled by RYAN STEGMAN & PEPE LARRAZ Cover by RYAN STEGMAN Thought dead by most of the world since INFINITY, Inhuman king Black Bolt steps back into the spotlight! Black Bolt and Maximus have been secretly involved with the New Avengers’ activities for months now, but that’s not even close to the whole story of their absence. The Boltagon brothers are in trouble — and it’s going to end very badly for one of them! Meanwhile, Medusa’s inversion thanks to the events of AXIS is making her a very different ruler of Attilan! What is the Ennilux Corporation, and how does it factor into the Inhumans’ future? Reader and Iso make their return, but they’re in horrible danger! Who will rise to fill the throne of Attilan? Collecting INHUMAN #7-12. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$19.99 SHE-HULK VOL. 2: DISORDERLY CONDUCT TPB Written by CHARLES SOULE Penciled by JAVIER PULIDO Cover by KEVIN P. WADA She-Hulk, Hellcat and Giant-Man team up to save one of Jen’s officemates — but what secret agenda does Hank Pym have? Meanwhile, She-Hulk takes on Captain America as her newest client! Someone from Cap’s past has returned to haunt them all, and She-Hulk might be his only hope — because the opposing attorney is Matt Murdock! She-Hulk and Daredevil battle it out in court and on the streets in this trial of the century — but is Captain America actually guilty after all? And at long last, it’s all come down to this: the Blue File revealed! As Hellcat investigates the mysterious, mind-altering file, She-Hulk takes on Titania — and Angie Huang just might meet her fate! Secrets are revealed and the Blue File is opened wide as Charles Soule and Javier Pulido’s acclaimed run comes to a close! Collecting SHE-HULK (2014) #7-12. 136 PGS./Rated T+ …$15.99 ALL-NEW X-FACTOR VOL. 3: AXIS TPB Written by PETER DAVID Penciled by POP MHAN, CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO & ALEX GARNER Cover by KRIS ANKA Washington is burning — but with the effects of AXIS felt across the world, will X-Factor put out the fire…or watch it burn? The team steals the Nuclear Football from a Red Skull-controlled president and takes it back to Serval Industries for protection — but now, can their corporate headquarters withstand an attack from Sunfire and Longshot? And when Sunfire makes a very odd proposal, how will X-Factor resolve the crisis? Plus: Quicksilver is finally reunited with his estranged daughter, Luna — but the Inhumans aren’t too happy about it! And when the team is dispatched to the Middle East to stop a war, a vengeful Egyptian goddess is set free — and her first target is X-Factor! Finally, as Spider-Man 2099 swings onto the scene, we finally learn the secret of Serval CEO Harrison Snow! Collecting ALL-NEW X-FACTOR #13-20. 176 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 DEADPOOL VOL. 7: AXIS TPB Written by BRIAN POSEHN & GERRY DUGGAN Penciled by MIKE HAWTHORNE Cover by MARK BROOKS Get ready for a different spin on the Merc with the Mouth! Since the events of AXIS inverted him, Deadpool has given up violence in favor of enlightenment! You heard right — Deadpool has gone Zen and found peace! So how is he going to help his “FauX-Men” friends live through an attack by the real, also-inverted X-Men?! I don’t know. Probably not very easily. It might involve cowboy stuff. Then, our wall-crawling hero is stalked by a classic Spider-Slayer! Wait, this isn’t a Spider-Man book. So what is a Spider-Slayer doing here? Deadpool had better find out before it mistakes one red-clad, wisecracking hero for another — and mashes DP into spider-paste! Plus: The Roxxon Corporation brings us a special educational story! Learn about gracking, the energy source of the future! Collecting DEADPOOL (2012) #35-40. 136 PGS./Parental Advisory …$17.99 BLACK PANTHER: WHO IS THE BLACK PANTHER? TPB Written by REGINALD HUDLIN with STAN LEE Penciled by JOHN ROMITA JR. with JACK KIRBY Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. Deep in the heart of Africa is Wakanda, a technologically advanced civilization of great power and mystery. During the last ten centuries, as European colonial powers spread their guns, armies and undisputed domination throughout the continent, Wakanda has stood alone as an unconquerable land inhabited by undefeatable warriors. Governing this nation is a lineage of warrior-kings possessing enhanced speed, strength and agility. Today, T’Challa is the latest in this famed family line, the great hero known worldwide as the Black Panther. Despite the futile defeats of the past, outsiders are once more assembling to invade Wakanda and plunder its riches. Leading this brutal assault is Klaw, a deadly assassin with the blood of T’Challa’s murdered father on his hands. Klaw brings with him a powerful army of super-powered mercenaries, all hell-bent on raining death and destruction on this pristine land. Even with Wakanda’s might and his own superhuman skills, can the Black Panther prevail against such a massive invading force? Collecting BLACK PANTHER (2005) #1-6, plus T’Challa’s historic first appearances from FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #52-53. 200 PGS./Rated T+ …$24.99 WOLVERINE: ORIGIN II TPB Written by KIERON GILLEN Penciled by ADAM KUBERT Cover by ADAM KUBERT The next chapter in the story of the man who will become Wolverine! In his short life, Logan has seen such suffering. Little wonder he sought sanctuary in the wilderness, far from humanity. Just him and the wolves, hunting, surviving. But when tragedy strikes his adopted home, Logan is forced back into the world. And he’s about to discover how truly cruel it can be. For civilization masks monsters: men like Hugo Haversham, who would exploit Logan as a circus freak. Fiends like the sinister Dr. Essex, prepared to inflict torture in the name of science. And worst of all, another mutant very much like Logan, also torn between man and animal. One who could be his greatest ally — or his fiercest foe. When Logan meets Victor Creed, a rivalry for the ages is born. Collecting ORIGIN II #1-5. 128 PGS./Parental Advisory …$19.99 RUNAWAYS: THE COMPLETE COLLECTION VOL. 3 TPB Written by ZEB WELLS, BRIAN K. VAUGHAN, JOSS WHEDON & CHRIS YOST Penciled by STEFANO CASELLI, MIKE NORTON, ADRIAN ALPHONA, MICHAEL RYAN & TAKESHI MIYAZAWA Cover by HUMBERTO RAMOS As the superhuman Civil War threatens to crush the Runaways, the Young Avengers offer assistance — but how can the Runaways trust that they’re on the same side? As the Runaways make hard decisions about their future, they confront a horrific enemy who threatens to tear the team apart! Then, the Skrulls launch their Secret Invasion — and the Runaways and Young Avengers both have a Skrull on their team. Coincidence? With Xavin having betrayed his teammates, and Hulkling out of commission, can the Runaways and Young Avengers survive? And in the aftermath, visionary creator Joss Whedon sends the team running in a whole new direction — first to the East Coast, then a century into the past! Collecting CIVIL WAR: YOUNG AVENGERS AND RUNAWAYS #1-4, RUNAWAYS (2005) #19-30, RUNAWAYS SAGA and SECRET INVASION: RUNAWAYS/YOUNG AVENGERS #1-3. 528 PGS./Rated T+ …$39.99 MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS VOL. 1 DIGEST Adapted by JOE CARAMAGNA Featuring screen-capture images from MARVEL’S ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS It’s the start of an all-new era of adventure based on the smash hit DISNEY XD animated series as Spider-Man teams up with the Marvel Universe’s greatest heroes! • Spidey joins Captain America in a raid on Dr. Doom’s fortress to retrieve Cap’s lost shield! • Hawkeye the Avenger joins Spidey to swat the villainous Beetle in a super-hero bug hunt! • Spider-Man and Iron Man join forces when a lab experiment at Stark Industries goes horribly wrong, putting the entire city in danger! Collecting MARVEL UNIVERSE ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN: WEB WARRIORS #1-4. 88 PGS./All Ages …$9.99 Marvel Posters SECRET WARS BY ALEX ROSS OVERSIZED VINYL POSTER FOC 1/12/15 ON-SALE 3/11/15 - 66x50…$49.99 AVENGERS: RAGE OF ULTRON BY OPENA POSTER FOC 1/12/15 ON-SALE 2/11/2015 - 24x36…$8.99 GUARDIANS TEAM-UP BY ADAMS POSTER FOC 1/12/15 ON-SALE 2/11/2015 - 24x36…$8.99 SPIDER-GWEN BY RODRIGUEZ POSTER FOC 1/12/15 ON-SALE 2/11/2015 - 24x36…$8.99