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1 for $1: Aliens vs. Predator
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Randy Stradley
Çizer: Phill Norwood, Karl Story
Go back to the beginning with Dark Horse’s 1 for $1 comics!

Get in on the ground floor of twelve featured titles from our popular comics pantheon. See what started it all in these first-issue classics from Dark Horse Comics.

The inhabitants of the colony planet Ryushi are peaceful ranchers -- men and women who lead simple lives. But their lives are tragically shattered as they become part of a "coming of age" ceremony for a race of deadly alien hunters -- the Predators. However, the Predators’ prey are not the human inhabitants of Ryushi, but rather something far more dangerous -- Aliens!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
15,00 TL

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