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2000 AD #1819
Critically acclaimed UK sci-fi anthology title 2000 AD features some of the best writer and artists working in comics today! There's a desperate battle on the wartorn streets of London in Savage: Rise Like Lions by Pat Mills and Patrick Goddard; Johnny Alpha shows no mercy to the norms as the mutants turn on their oppressors in Strontium Dog: Mutant Spring by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra; Jack Dancer and his crew fight an undead army in The Red Seas: Fire Across the Deep by Ian Edginton and Steve Yeowell; there's assassination afoot in Ampney Crucis Investigates: The Entropy Tango by Ian Edginton and Simon Davis; and the hungry citizens of Mega-City One seek a scapegoat in Judge Dredd: Wolves by Michael Carroll and Andrew Currie!

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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
78,75 TL
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