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2000 AD #1839
Stunning sci-fi action from the UK's number one anthology comic, featuring some of the best writers and artists in the business! Superheroes calling themselves 'gods' have taken over the Earth, almost destroying mankind in the process - but now in the third, long-awaited series of The Ten-Seconders, Godsend, the creators of those 'gods' have come to claim them. Plus seventeenth-century zombie hunter Defoe leads the charge against the stenches in The Damned; we discover what has happened to Ramone Dexter in Sinister Dexter; Rowan Morrigan is fighting for her humanity in the final series of Age of the Wolf, Wolfworld; and Judge Dredd follows the money and the bodies in Wastelands!

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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
78,75 TL
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