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2000 AD #1936
Blazing sci-fi action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology. Future lawman Judge Dredd travels to the Emerald Isle to investigate the trailer of a decades-old conspiracy in the new story 'Blood of Emeralds' by Michael Carroll and Colin MacNeil; the creators of Leviathan, Ian Edginton and D'Israeli, forge a new world in Helium, in which the survivors of a toxic Earth rise above the noxious clouds; the legacy of alien race the Hurde returns in Outlier II: Dark Symmetries by T.C. Eglington and Karl Richardson; and seasoned war veterans Bad Company are back and haunted by the past in 'First Casualties,' an all-new series from Peter Milligan and Rufus Dayglo!
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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
80,25 TL
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