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anasayfa dizin yeniler abonelik öneriler güncel sss önsipariş formları iletişim stoktaki ürünler Diamond Comics stok listesi
2000 AD #1939
Blazing SF action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology! Future lawman Judge Dredd uncovers a conspiracy at the heart of Emerald Isle in "Blood of Emeralds" by Michael Carroll and Colin MacNeil, and then the cold wind of vengeance sweeps in in "Enceladus: Old Life" by Rob Williams and Henry Flint; there's an invasion from beneath the Poison Belt in Helium by Ian Edginton and D'Israeli; Carcer comes under the influence of the Hurde in Outlier II: Dark Symmetries by T.C. Eglington and Karl Richardson; Harry Absalom is on the trail of demon hunters in "Under a False Flag" by Gordon Rennie and Tiernen Trevallion; and the ABC Warriors return, courtesy of Pat Mills and Clint Langley, for the final flashback series, "Return to Ro-Busters," in which Ro-Jaws' inbuilt disobedience proves integral to robot independence!

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32 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
80,25 TL
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