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30 Days of Night: 30 Days 'Til Death #1 (of 4)
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: David Lapham
Çizer: David Lapham
David Lapham, the acclaimed Eisner Award-winning creator of Stray Bullets, brings his unique brand of graphic storytelling to 30 Days of Night and IDW. In 30 Days 'til Death, Rufus is just a guy trying to fit in, to get by and not be noticed. But there's a catch; Rufus is a vampire. So why does a vampire want to keep such a low profile? Because he is being tracked by the mother of all hit squads, made up of "old guard" vampires who don't take kindly to these punk kids and their new ways. 30 Days co-creator Ben Templesmith provides a special variant cover for every issue, too!

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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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