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'68: Jungle Jim (2013) #2 (of 4) (Cover A Jeff Zornow & Jay Fotos)
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Mark Kidwell
Çizer: Jeff Zornow
The skies over Vietnam rain liquid fire as Brian Curliss, AKA Jungle Jim continues his epic quest to find the rotting, undead remains of Sergeant Jim Asher. Jim's search carries him across the border into war-torn Cambodia, where the struggling occupants of an isolated French mission hold their own against hunger, madness and the ravenous dead.

In the dripping shadows of the rainforest, human life hangs on a hair trigger and to save himself and those who need him, Jim will have to face more than the living dead and swarms of vengeful Viet Cong... because here there be tigers.

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28 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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'68: Jungle Jim (2013) #2 (of 4) (Cover A Jeff Zornow & Jay Fotos) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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