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'68 Vol. 03: Jungle Jim TP
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Mark Kidwell
Çizer: Jeff Zornow
In 1968, the zombie-infested jungles of Vietnam and Laos explode with the coming of a grim hero for earth's new dark age! JUNGLE JIM is a one-man army, a reaper in a gas mask...JACK THE RIPPER WITH AN M-16...armored in burlap and bamboo against the living and the dead as he searches relentlessly for redemption in the heart of a rotting, war-torn apocalypse. Whether he's rescuing American POWs from the clutches of the Viet Cong or staging a bullet-riddled standoff against hordes of the hungry undead to protect the occupants of a remote, French Catholic mission, Jim will put his life on the line and the metal to the meat! The world of the award-winning, sold-out '68 universe expands as this collected volume presents Jim's origin from the original one-shot comic along with the full-length mini-series in one massive, extras-packed graphic novel.

Collects '68: JUNGLE (one-shot) and '68: JUNGLE JIM #1-4

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160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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