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'68 Vol. 05: Homefront TP
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Mark Kidwell
Çizer: Kyle Charles
In February of 1968, hell gave up its dead and the entire world became a graveyard filled with hungry cannibalistic ghouls overnight. With HOMEFRONT, the fifth volume in the ongoing '68 series, the focus on Vietnam and the war shifts to the American continent, revealing three red, dripping slices of post-apocalyptic life in the USA and Canada. A pep rally at Harbinger High in small town Pennsylvania becomes an orgy of undead violence in: '68: PEECE AND LOVE. The Canadian
snow runs red as Vietnam draft-dodgers flee the US seeking asylum with neutral neighbors to the north in '68 DODGERS. And deep in the Butchertown district of San Francisco, a bloodthirsty madman who calls himself The Zodiac completes with the living dead for headlines, daring the remnants of a fragmented police force to catch him if they can in '68: BAD SIGN! Five full issues plus a cover gallery, pin-ups and tons of behind the scenes extras available nowhere else!

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152 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL
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