A Tribute To Michael Turner SC
[Aspen Comics]
Yazar: Greg Pak, Eddie Berganza, Peter Steigerwald, Jeph Loeb, Frank Mastromauro, Talent Caldwell, Dene Mason, Vince Hernandez, Renae Geerlings, Ale Garza, Megan Fox, David Wohl, John Seffker, Pete Waimrin, Geoff Johns, C.B. Cebulski, Tim Townsend, Paul Jenkins
Çizer: Christina Strain, Buzz, Alex Konat, Eduardo Francisco, Peter Steigerwald, Rob Liefeld, Francisco Herrera, Stephen Platt, Simone Bianchi, J.J. Kirby, Talent Caldwell, Eddie Nunez, Humberto Ramos, Lori Hanson, Michael Gaydos, Jason Eden, Chris Moreno
The creative force behind such best-selling titles as Fathom, Soulfire, and Witchblade, and the cover artist to numerous mainstream comic events such as Marvel's Civil War and DC Comics' Identity Crisis and Justice League of America, Michael Turner's artistic vision was unlimited. In honor of Turner's tremendous spirit and body of work, as well as his countless contributions to the comic book industry, Aspen Comics and the entire comic book community will return the favor by remembering Michael's amazing life both in and outside of comics.
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80 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
134,85 TL
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