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A1 Presents the Weirding Willows: What the Wild Things Are HC
[Titan Books]
Yazar: Dave Elliott
Çizer: Barnaby Bagenda, Sami Basri
When she was nine, Alice wandered into the Wild Woods and discovered a portal to another world. A world called Wonderland! Now a young woman, she has spent her childhood discovering just some of the wonders the dimensional nexus of the Weir has to offer, a place where the worlds of Earth, Wonderland, OZ, Neverland, Mars, Pelucidar and Elysium collide! From Frankenstein's Monster to a giant purple T-rex, from talking rabbits to winged monkeys, from a kidnapped Mowgli to a werewolf with a secret, there's never a quiet day in the Weir - and Alice and her friends are all that stand between these worlds, and those who would exploit them.

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104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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