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Absolute Batman: The Long Halloween HC
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Jeph Loeb
Çizer: Tim Sale
Don't miss the latest ABSOLUTE EDITION from DC, collecting the landmark, award-winning 13-issue miniseries written by Jeph Loeb (BATMAN: HUSH) with art by Tim Sale (SUPERMAN FOR ALL SEASONS)! As the Dark Knight struggles to find an elusive, mysterious serial killer who strikes only on holidays, he discovers no shortage of suspects in a Gotham City beset by mobsters and freakish costumed criminals, any one of whom could be his prey.

This volume includes a host of extras, including an interview with Loeb and Sale, a section on the LONG HALLOWEEN action figure line, and a look at the series proposal, plus sketches by Sale! Also, this edition will feature a 4-page sequence cut from the original miniseries and previously released only in script/breakdown format!
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özel sipariş
400 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
1499,85 TL

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