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ACG Collected Works: Out of the Night Vol. 02 HC
[PS Artbooks]
Yazar: Roy Thomas
Çizer: Edvard Moritz
Ah, those were the days, when America's comicbook racks and spinners were full to bursting with a wealth of gaudily colored classics boasting vampires, cannibalistic aliens and bloated corpses! Here, from the heyday of the American Comics Group (ACG) comes Out of the Night, PS Artbook's latest entry in its ambitious program. Get the door locked and leave the lights on. Reprinting issues #7-1, March 1953 to January 1954. Introduction by Stephen Bissette.

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özel sipariş
240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
719,85 TL

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