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Action Comics #1009 (Francis Manapul Variant Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Brian Michael Bendis
Çizer: Steve Epting
As clandestine organizations-both good and evil-continue to fall, the official countdown to one of the biggest stories in DC history begins here! Clark Kent and Lois Lane go undercover to find out who is behind the destruction of the Kobra cult, the DEO and some of the greatest organizations in the DC Universe. As the threat of Leviathan looms over everything, the Man of Steel must trust Amanda Waller with his biggest secret: his identity as Clark Kent! All bets are off and all rules will be broken as Leviathan has come to change the DC Universe forever.
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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