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Action Comics Special (2018) #1
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Dan Jurgens, Mark Russell, Max Landis
Çizer: Will Conrad, Jill Thompson, Francis Manapul
'The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor'! When Superman's world was reborn, his greatest enemy became his most unexpected ally. But does that truly reflect Lex Luthor-or was it all a sham? Now, as Lex Luthor's path toward righteousness reaches its apex, he finds himself involved in an adventure in which Superman stands to be destroyed. What choice will Luthor make? Will he save Superman or watch him die at the hands of a foe he could not possibly imagine? This oversized special also features stories from the acclaimed teams of Max Landis and Francis Manapul (in a story previously slated to appear in the DC UNIVERSE HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2017 #1) and Mark Russell and Jill Thompson!
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48 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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