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Age of Bronze Vol. 01: A Thousand Ships
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Eric Shanower
Çizer: Eric Shanower
The Trojan War has been the greatest of Greek myths for more than 2500 years, and now ERIC SHANOWER presents his unique version of the story, gathered from extensive sources and drawn with historical fidelity. In this volume, Helen's triumphant entry into Troy is marred by Kassandra's wild prophecies of doom. Meanwhile, a massive army approaches from across the sea, but a disastrous battle forces the High King Agamemnon to make a fateful decision. Will he command the death of his daughter to satisfy the gods? Or will he give up his dream of conquering Troy? In addition to collecting the story from Age of Bronze issues 1 - 9, A Thousand Ships includes an Afterword by the author, Pronunciation Glossary, Maps, Genealogical Charts, and Bibliography.

The drama and action continue in the book that the editors of Publishers Weekly choose as one of the best books of 2004.
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
224 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
178×266 mm
299,25 TL

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