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Age of Heroes #2 (of 4)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Paul Cornell, Sean Mckeever, Brian Reed, Dan Slott
Çizer: David Baldeon, Mark Brooks, Chad Wayne Hardin, Ty Templeton, Victor Olazaba
THE HEROIC AGE IS HERE! The Heroic Age continues in this next set of star-studded stories told in the Mighty Marvel Manner! In a special YOUNG ALLIES prelude story, Greg Willis makes the Wisconsin-to-Manhattan trek once more--but will he be leaving GRAVITY behind this time? Spider-Man encounters the new super hero in town...Norman Osborn's AMERICAN SON?! But the man wearing the armor is the last guy Spidey expects! In the Age of Heroes, the YOUNG MASTERS must decide whose side they're on and, with the Dark Reign lifted, THE GAUNTLET soldiers on--all the way to Afghanistan.
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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