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Age of Heroes #4 (of 4)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Joe Casey, Elliot Kalan, Jonathan Maberry, Dan Slott
Çizer: Nathan Fox, Shawn Moll, Walden Wong, Ty Templeton, Brendan McCarthy
The Heroic Age continues with more titantic tales from across the mighty Marvel U! Follow Shuri, the deadly Black Panther, as she sets the world on fire crossing paths, and claws, with the rest of MU! Find out the truth behind Captain America�s time on ice and the native peoples who stumbled across his frosty tomb! PLUS: Zodiac's back and ready for the Age of Villains to begin...and Steve Rogers: Super-Soldier has an all-new assignment for Initiative cadet Cloud 9!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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