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Aladdin: Legacy of the Lost #2 (of 3) (Lucio Parrillo Cover)
[Radical Comics]
Yazar: Ian Edginton
Çizer: Patrick Reilly, Stjepan Sejic
After his descent into the perilous caverns for the sorcerer Qassim, the thieving rogue known as Aladdin has reappeared in the city of Shambhalla. He is no longer a pauper, but a rich and decadent prince, transformed by the power of the Djinn of the Lamp! However, when Qassim exposes Aladdin and kidnaps the lovely Princess Soraya, there’s only one man Aladdin can turn to: Sinbad, the mariner of legend. With Sinbad’s help, Aladdin must journey to the hidden depths of the city to parlay with the world’s deadliest sovereign. She’ll help the duo track Qassim… but for a price far beyond even Aladdin’s imagination.

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48 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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