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Alan Moore's The Courtyard GN (Jacen Burrows Signed Edition)
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Alan Moore
Çizer: Jacen Burrows
Just in time for the sequel in 2009, Alan Moore's haunting masterpiece, The Courtyard, is available in color for the first time! The most celebrated writer in the industry, Alan Moore, teams up with brilliant artist Jacen Burrows, to unleash this timeless tale of Lovecraftian psychological horror. FBI man Aldo Sax has an amazing service record with the FBI. His legendary skills at piercing together the most baffling of cases has gotten him assigned to what may be his most confusing case yet. Several murders, no, more like lethal dismemberments, from the most unlikely of suspects just don't add up. And what few leads there are, all point to The Courtyard. This special collected edition of the series features an introduction by Garth Ennis.

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özel sipariş
56 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
119,85 TL

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