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Alien Legion: Uncivil War HC
[Titan Comics]
Yazar: Chuck Dixon
Çizer: Larry Stroman, Carl Potts
In a galaxy savaged by strife, torn by civil war, boiling with spilt blood, Alien Legion is a cosmic military force doing its damnedest to keep the peace by being always ready for war. At the tip of the Legion's multi-species spear is Force Nomad - the worst of the worst fashioned on the white-hot forge of battle into the best of the best. Now the squad's grizzled veterans are on what should be a boring milk run; shepherding refugees fleeing a civil war ripping apart their system. Could be a good chance to toughen the newbies of Nomad into soldiers, until straight-up peacekeeping descends into full-scale war!

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104 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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