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Amazing Spider-Man #588
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Marc Guggenheim
Çizer: John Romita JR., Klaus Janson, Tom Palmer
This is the big one! The results are in, the masks are off and Spider-Man might just go down forever! With the secret of Menace revealed and the identity of the Spider-Tracer killer brought to light, the world of Peter Parker, Harry Osborn, Lily Hollister, Carlie Cooper and Vin Gonzales will never be the same! Questions you’ve asked since Spider-Man first entered his Brand New Day will be answered. But who will be left standing to pick up the pieces…and how does it involve Norman Osborn? This one’s a can’t miss, so be there for the conclusion of CHARACTER ASSASSINATION! By Marc Guggenheim and John Romita, Jr.
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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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