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Amazing Spider-Man #628
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Tom Peyer, Roger Stern, Mark Waid
Çizer: Todd Nauck, Lee Weeks, Horacio Ottolini
"SOMETHING CAN STOP THE JUGGERNAUT, PART 2" The Juggernaut lies helpless before a mysterious Cosmic Avatar who is determined to kill him -- and the only thing standing between them is Spider-Man. If Our Hero wants to prevent further mayhem, he has to try reasoning with an angry being who can squash him like a bug and he has to survive a high-speed chase from one end of Manhattan to the other. Roger Stern and Lee Weeks bring you the second sensational installment of the Spider-Man/Juggernaut Trilogy -- a story the Cosmic Avatar insisted that we call "Vengeance is Mine!"
Stokta Yok

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40 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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