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Amazing Spider-Man: Extra! #3
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Marc Guggenheim, Joe Kelly, Phil Jimenez
Çizer: Fabrizio Fiorentino, Patrick Olliffe, Kris Justice, Livesay, Serge LaPointe, Dale Eaglesham, Phil Jimenez
ASM Extra goes beyond the thrice-monthly pages of Amazing Spider-Man to bring you even more stories that explore Peter Parker’s life and give you a glimpse of what’s ahead.
This time out we catch up with wounded Iraq War Vet Flash Thomson as he adjusts to his new life, find out more about the mysterious young Kraven who continues to stalk Spider-Man, and we get a prelude to next Spring’s Spidey event AMERICAN SON featuring a secret about Pete’s best friend Harry Osborn.
Norman Osborn may be in charge of the world…but he hasn’t stopped us from publishing Spider-man…yet.
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48 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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