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Atomic Robo: Real Science Adventures Vol. 02 TP
[Red 5 Comics]
Yazar: Brian Clevinger
Çizer: Erica Henderson, Caanan Grall, Ryan Cody, Leela Wagner, Erich Owen, M.D. Penman
In the aftermath of the financial panic of 1893, Nikola Tesla and the Centurions of Science are all that stand between the rule of law and a shadowy cabal of corrupt industrialists plotting to usurp the federal government of the United States. Featuring: Black Coats, Swamp Men, the vast pneumatic tube network of New York City, and tons of action tying it all together!
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
120 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
209,25 TL

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