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Avenging Spider-Man: The Complete Collection TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Spider-Man swings with a host of heroes as comics' biggest names deliver a Marvel Team-Up for the 21st century! Spidey and Red Hulk take on a Moloid army, and Captain America and Hawkeye drop by - but what could compare to a night out on the town with She-Hulk? Spidey swoops into action with Captain Marvel, and dodges bullets with Deadpool! Plus: A battle to keep the Omega Drive out of the wrong hands with Daredevil and the Punisher! A trip to the Savage Land with Devil Dinosaur and Moon Boy! Spider-Man and Blade vanquish vampires! Peter Parker in a world where Spider-Man never existed! And clobberin' time, courtesy of the Thing! Collecting AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #1-15 and ANNUAL #1, PUNISHER (2011) #10, DAREDEVIL (2011) #11, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #39, SPIDER-MAN VS. VAMPIRES #1 and material from AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1999) #692.
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504 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
599,85 TL

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