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Berlin Book 2: City of Smoke TP
[Drawn and Quarterly ]
Yazar: Jason Lutes
Çizer: Jason Lutes
The people of Weimar Berlin search for answers after the lethal May Day demonstration of 1929. Tension builds along with the dividing wall between communists and nationalists, Jews and gentiles, as the dawn of the Second World War draws closer. The lives of the characters within Lutes's epic weave together to create a seamless portrait of this transitory city. Marthe Muller follows lover Kurt Severing as he interviews participants in the May Day demonstration, but moonlights in the city's lesbian nightlife. Lutes creates a sense of anxiety and imminent doom.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
216 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
344,25 TL

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