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Bride of the Water God Vol. 06 TP
[Dark Horse Manhwa]
Yazar: Mi-Kyung Yun
Çizer: Mi-Kyung Yun
At the start of this series, Soah was willing to sacrifice her life to the feared god Habaek to save her drought-stricken village on Earth. However, she wasn't killed by the powerful Water God-she was rescued and taken to the magical kingdom of Suguk. Once there, she met moody gods of the elements and a mysterious husband who took her as his bride but then spurned her. While Habaek yearns to treat Soah as a proper husband would, he's cursed to live in the form of a little boy during the day, only reverting to his true adult self at night. Trying to keep this strange secret from Soah, he hides behind the fake identity of "Mui" at night, when he competes with other unusual gods for her attention. Will this be the volume in which the Water God finally spills the truth to Soah-or will other conspiring, jealous gods succeed in driving a permanent wedge between him and his human bride? Cursed and pursued by an unknown, shape-shifting tormentor, Habaek is also led to believe that his previous human bride is still alive!
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
184 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
145×209 mm
149,85 TL

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