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Catwoman (2018) #16 (Joelle Jones Regular Cover)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Joelle Jones
Çizer: Joelle Jones
Selina Kyle joins the Year of the Villain! Finally, Lex Luthor's gift to Catwoman is revealed. While she wants to remain on the side of good, some habits are too hard to break, and some treasures too tempting. Plus, the gift puts Catwoman one step ahead of her top criminal rival in Villa Hermosa, the diabolical Raina Creel. In this big new story arc, Eisner-nominated writer/artist Jo lle Jones brings together the many plot threads she's been building since the series' launch, prepping Catwoman for her next grand adventure. But will she come out the other side as a hero...or villain?
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL

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