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Cavewoman: Feeding Grounds #1
[Amryl Entertainment]
Yazar: Rob Durham
Çizer: Rob Durham
As the snow begins to melt and the harshest winter ever recorded in Marshville's history comes to a close, the townspeople begin to dig themselves out with a renewed hope. But even as everybody celebrates their good fortune, a bigger and more deadly threat descends upon their isolated town. Somewhere in the wilderness surrounding Marshville lurks a creature of unnatural ferocity and power. Rumors spread of the creature being a werewolf. As the frozen snows recede, the countless bones of the creature's previous victims begin to reveal themselves. If Meriem can't destroy the monster, the future of Marshville looks bleak!

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24 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
56,25 TL
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