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Charles Burns Library Vol. 01: El Borbah SC
[Fantagraphics Books]
Yazar: Charles Burns
Çizer: Charles Burns
Meet El Borbah, a 400-pound private eye who wears a Mexican wrestler's tights and an eerie mask. Subsisting entirely on junk food and beer, El Borbah conducts his investigations with tough talk and a short temper. He smashes through doors and skulls as he stalks a perfectly realized film-noir city filled with punks, geeks, business-suited creeps and mad scientists. El Borbah is Burns' earliest work, created in the early 1980s, though the work remains eerily contemporary. Steeped in a 'sci-fi-noir' aesthetic informed by Burns' steadily childhood diet of B-movies and comic books, but with a sophisticated sense of humor that is often as disturbing as it is funny, El Borbah is comics as its most entertaining.

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özel sipariş
96 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,25 TL

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