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Charles Burns Library Vol. 02: Big Baby SC
[Fantagraphics Books]
Yazar: Charles Burns
Çizer: Charles Burns
From the creator of the 2005 hit graphic novel Black Hole comes this new softcover edition of his other masterpiece of modern horror. Big Baby is a particularly impressionable young boy named Tony Delmonte, who lives in a seemingly typical American suburb until he sneaks out of his room one night and becomes entangled in a horrific plot involving summer camp murders and backyard burials. Burns' clinical precision as an artist adds a sinister chill to his droll sense of humor, and his affection for 20th-century pulp fiction permeates throughout, creating a brilliant narrative that perfectly captures the unease and fear of adolescence.

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özel sipariş
96 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,25 TL

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