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Chester 5000 HC
[Top Shelf Productions]
Yazar: Jessica Fink
Çizer: Jessica Fink
THE YEAR: 1885, a time of industrial revolution and sexual frustration.
THE HEROINE: Pricilla, a beautiful woman who knows what she wants...and wants it ALL the time.
THE HUSBAND: Robert, a scientist and inventor -- unfortunately, the only thing he can keep on his mind is his work. Ah, but what does a scientist love more than a problem to solve? Some gears, some springs, the proper appendages, a little extra lubricant, and a little extra love and voila! Chester 5000 is born. Chester is the perfect tool to soothe Pricilla's desires... but what if Chester is more than just a machine? What are the consequences of attempting to engineer love? A sepia-toned delight for adult readers of all stripes, Jess Fink's Top Shelf debut reads like a whimsical love-child of steampunk, silent film and erotic comics.

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özel sipariş
144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
224,25 TL

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