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Chronicles of Conan Vol. 11: The Dance of the Skull and Other Stories
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Roy Thomas
Çizer: John Buscema, Howard Chaykin, Ernie Chan
From the savage swamps of Iskander to the burning wastes of Stygia, Conan battles mutated man-dragons and a corpse-devouring abomination in this most recent volume chronicling the legendary exploits of literature's greatest fantasy hero! Before the bronzed Cimmerian can return to the arms of his lover Belit, Queen of the Black Coast, he must face deadly treacheries and the dark spells of a cunning sorceress. Once reunited, the two shall storm the serpent throne and its dark owner-Thoth-Amon! With wit and steel alone, Conan seeks victory and a prize without rival on destiny's bloody road to kinghood!

* Featuring nine more issues (#82-90) from the famed Roy Thomas/John Buscema run on Conan the Barbarian, stories showcasing Conan's adventures with Belit the She-Pirate.

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özel sipariş
168 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,25 TL

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