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Chronicles of Conan Vol. 17: The Creation Quest and Other Stories
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Roy Thomas, J.M. DeMatteis, Bruce Jones
Çizer: Gil Kane, Ernie Chan, Danny Bulanadi
The incomparable Gil Kane (Green Lantern, Amazing Spider-Man, Blackmark) is featured in this special 240-page Chronicles of Conan volume-our thickest offering yet! Joining storyteller J.M. DeMatteis on Conan the Barbarian #127, Gil Kane's short but stellar Conan run in 1981 and 1982 thrust readers into a new era of magical quests, strange creatures, and inventive fantasy adventures. In Chronicles of Conan: The Creation Quest and Other Stories, Kane collaborates with DeMatteis, Bruce Jones, and longtime colleague Roy Thomas. In addition to a DeMatteis introduction -- an engaging, behind-the-scenes look at his years working on Conan-Roy Thomas provides another insightful afterword, as he discusses working with Gil Kane on their 38-page "King of the Forgotten People!" collaboration. In addition to the "Creation Quest" story arc, readers will enjoy the meticulously restored color pages found in "The Ring of Rhax," "A Hitch in Time," and the heartbreaking "Snow Haired Woman of the Wastes" -- where Robert E. Howard's mighty barbarian finds himself unraveling horrific mysteries and testing his thresholds of pain and mental fortitude!

* Special 240-page Gil Kane collection!

* Since rekindling the Conan franchise in 2004, Dark Horse has sold over 300,000 Conan graphic novels!

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özel sipariş
240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
269,25 TL

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