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Chronicles of Conan Vol. 27: Sands Upon the Earth and Other Stories TP
[Dark Horse Comics]
Yazar: James Owsley, Charles Santino, Alan Zelenetz
Çizer: Val Semeiks, Geof Isherwood, Alfredo Alcala
He is known as 'The Great Devil'-Heku, warlord of the eastern kingdoms, commander of a horde likened to the sands upon the earth. More than conquest, Heku desires the return of his son, Kobe, once coldly given as a gift to a king but now Conan's comrade and unwilling to return to his father's evil embrace. All Kobe has between him and Heku's host is his sword and Conan's friendship, a bond stronger than steel! Collects Marvel's Conan the Barbarian #206-#214 and Handbook of the Conan Universe, never before collected.

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özel sipariş
224 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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