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Civil War II #1 (of 8) (Kim Jung Gi Black & White Virgin Connecting Variant Cover B)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
IT'S HERE! The explosive first chapter in the comic event EVERYONE will be talking about. And we come out swinging with a blistering double-sized first issue from the creative team behind last year's best-selling debut of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN and Miles Morales. A new Inhuman, with the ability to profile the future, emerges and the ramifications ripple into every corner of the Marvel Universe. Lines are drawn, bodies fall, and the Marvel Universe will be rocked to it's very core. The action starts here!
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
56 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
89,85 TL

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Civil War II #1 (of 8) (Kim Jung Gi Black & White Virgin Connecting Variant Cover B) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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