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Civil War: Marvel Universe
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Dan Slott, Paul Jenkins, Brian Michael Bendis, Warren Ellis, Marc Guggenheim, Robert Kirkman, Ed Brubaker & Matt Fraction, Michael Avon Oeming & Ty Templeton
Civil War is encompassing the entire Marvel Universe, and the effects of the war are being felt by every hero, villain and civilian. In CIVIL WAR: CHOOSING SIDES, five stories shine a spotlight on the wildcards and impact players whose part in the Civil War has yet to be told – including Daredevil/Iron Fist, U.S. Agent, the Irredeemable Ant-Man, Venom and even…Howard the Duck!? In CIVIL WAR: THE RETURN, two of the universe’s greatest heroes are confronted with pasts they can’t leave behind in two heart-rendering tales. On Earth, the Sentry confronts his inner demons as the shadows of past and future battles tear him apart. Within the Negative Zone, the walls of 42 are pulled back to reveal the return of one of the Marveldom’s greatest heroes. In SHE-HULK, Civil War threatens the rights of every American super hero. So whose side will Marvel’s top superhuman lawyer fight for? And how can she possibly choose, when she feels one way as She-Hulk, and another as Jen Walters? And in CIVIL WAR: THE INITIATIVE, the post-war Marvel Universe begins here! The war is over! Let the healing begin! Debuting the all new IRON MAN, OMEGA FLIGHT, MIGHTY AVENGERS, NEW AVENGERS and THUNDERBOLTS!
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128 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
179,85 TL

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