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Concrete Vol. 07: The Human Dilemma
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Paul Chadwick
Çizer: Paul Chadwick
Life as Concrete knows it is about to change forever.

Former speechwriter Ron Lithgow returns as the title character in Paul Chadwick's critically acclaimed and award-winning miniseries. Trapped in an alien's rock-hard body, Lithgow is an accidental celebrity whose high profile is being courted by a front-page CEO. Though Concrete believes overpopulation to be an important issue, does he want to become the spokesperson for a controversial population control program? While Concrete mulls this generous proposition over with his biologist, Maureen, his longtime aide Larry Munro mulls over an entirely different sort of proposal. Life and violent death take center stage in this compelling new collection from an industry-renowned creative master, and the subject of overpopulation is given the trademark thoughtful exploration that Chadwick fans have come to expect. Collecting the six-issue miniseries.

• Winner of seven Eisner and three Harvey awards for Concrete, acclaimed creator Paul Chadwick pulled out all the stops for his first Concrete miniseries in six years-the most mature one yet.

• Chadwick was awarded the 2005 Eisner Award for Best Writer/Artist for this series!

• The format of Concrete: The Human Dilemma mirrors that of the new Concrete archives, Depths, Heights, Fragile Creature, and Killer Smile.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
160 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
150×228 mm
194,25 TL

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