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Creepy Comics #1
[Dark Horse]
Yazar: Neil Kleid, Joe Harris, Dan Braun, Mike Woods, Bill Dubay
Çizer: Jason Shawn Alexander, Angelo Torres, Saskia Gutekunst, Brian Churilla, Hilary Barta, Alex Toth
What's black and white and clawing its way onto your reading list? It's the newly resurrected Creepy, of course! Now, don't fret, my putrid pets -- these new terror tales are cut from the same cursed cloth as the outlandish originals, telling contemporary horror stories with gorgeously ghoulish art from a lineup that'll make you lose your head! Original Creepy artist Angelo Torres teams up with devilish Dan Braun on "Hell Hound Blues"; Michael Woods and artist Saskia Gutekunst serve up a dose of "Chemical 13"; Neil Kleid and Brian Churilla provide "All the Help You Need" at a weird weight-loss camp; and jaundiced Jason Shawn Alexander brings his phenomenal painting skills to Joe Harris's "The Curse"!

Plus Bernie Wrightson, the return of "Loathsome Lore," and more. All this, plus one classic story from Uncle Creepy's dank dungeon, and you've got 48 freakish pages of terror to bring home to mummy!

“Every tale is drawn by different artists, each with their own lacerating, languidly deadly style drawing you down into the dark tales of doom. From giant rats, to zombie Jews, the brains of the writers are rung dry of every creative drop in their reserves leaving them, insane. That’s when the crazy twists come in at the end, with every story leaving you shocked with a feeling akin to feeble sickness, unable to stop reading on. You get a whopping forty-eight pages for the price of a normal comic. Credit crunch comics.” - FHM

"That’s more than double the amount of material for less than double the price!" -Ain't It Cool News

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özel sipariş
48 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce
74,85 TL

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