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Crogan Adventures Vol. 01: Crogan's Vengeance (Hardcover)
[Oni Press]
Yazar: Chris Schweizer
Çizer: Chris Schweizer
CROGAN'S VENGEANCE, the first in an ongoing series of adventure graphic novels spanning continents and centuries as cartoonist Chris Schweizer climbs through the various branches of the Crogan clan's family tree!

Volume one of THE CROGAN ADVENTURES series introduces us to "Catfoot" Crogan, an honest sailor who finds himself thrust into a life of piracy! Crogan never wanted to be a pirate and he never dreamed he'd wind up at odds with the most dangerous buccaneer ever to sail the Spanish Main! But there's more to this fight for "Catfoot" than just staying alive, there's also CROGAN'S VENGEANCE!

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
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160 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
156×234 mm
224,25 TL
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