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Croquis Pop Vol. 04
[Yen Press]
Yazar: KwangHyun Seo
Çizer: JinHo Ko
Just as Da-Il finishes erasing a grudge and helping another spirit pass on, a mysterious Croquer and his Zone Keeper invade Da-Il’s Dead Zone! Stuck in a fight to the death with the invaders, Da-Il is surprised to learn their true identities. Thanks to a little help from outside forces with their own ulterior motives, the tragic pasts of two talented artists combine to create the ultimate Croquer-Zone Keeper combo in these new opponents! Have Da-Il and Mu-Huk finally met their match?!
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
192 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
126×190 mm
164,85 TL

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