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Crossed + 100 Vol. 01 TP
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: Alan Moore
Çizer: Gabriel Andrade
Alan Moore, the man who revolutionized comics, returns to tell a horrifying tale in the world of Garth Ennis' grueling survival horror series, Crossed! Set 100 years in the future, Alan Moore has created a whole new world and history with a stunning attention to detail. Examining how civilizations rebuild and how generations grow, Moore weaves a rich tapestry of humanity evolving under extreme hardship, all of which is lushly rendered by Gabriel (Ferals) Andrade. Archivist Future Taylor leads a salvage team working to rebuild the historical record of the original Crossed outbreak. She's seen them in videos, but never any live ones, the Crossed are part of the distant past. Until suddenly, a handful appear, and the blood begins to flow. All is not as it seems as a horrific mystery unfolds and once again Alan Moore redefines the medium. This masterwork is a self-contained whole new world, no prior knowledge of the Crossed series is needed. Crossed +100 Vol 1 TP contains the full first story arc originally presented in issues #1-6 of the comic book series. Also available in hardcover with an all-new cover by Gabriel Andrade.

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
160 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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