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Crossed Vol. 05 TP
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: David Lapham, David Hine
Çizer: Jacen Burrows, Eduardo Vienna
Journey back to the earliest days of the Crossed outbreak, when an outbreak of viral insanity first plunged an unsuspecting world into darkness, in two tales scribed by the masters of modern horror, David Lapham and David Hine! In high school, Edmund earned his nickname 'Yellow Belly' by running away and hiding whenever confronted by conflicts or fears. But when the Crossed infection ignites at a local circus, perhaps it's that very same cowardice that will save him in the end! Meanwhile, a group of self-centered and hedonistic college kids head to a writer's retreat to explore their inner selves... but end up surrounded by berserk killers. What depths will they sink to in order to survive? This volume collects Crossed: Badlands #10 - 18.

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özel sipariş
240 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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