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Crossed Vol. 12 TP
[Avatar Press]
Yazar: David Lapham
Çizer: Francisco Manna
Garth Ennis' world of Crossed has become the pinnacle of survival horror in fiction. David Lapham (Stray Bullets) returns to Crossed with a crime story told both before and after the Crossed outbreak! A father is pushed to the brink when his family is brutally tortured and killed. With only revenge to keep him going, he becomes a monster himself with only one purpose, to find the man that did this and make him suffer more than anyone has before. But then C-Day happened and the world changed. Now a mystery to solve becomes one man's singular obsession to cross a sea of maniacs and destroy a monster no matter the cost. There is no help and there is no hope. There is only the Crossed. This volume collects issues #62 - 70 of the ongoing Crossed: Badlands series.

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224 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL
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