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Dave Stevens: The Complete Sketchbook Collection HC
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Dave Stevens
Çizer: Dave Stevens
From the same people who brought you the Eisner award-winning Rocketeer Complete Adventures!
For several years, Dave Stevens self-published four sketchbooks to sell at the San Diego Comic Con. These were very limited editions and are now highly sought-after collectibles. This volume collects the entire contents of those four sketchbooks, plus approximately 100 additional sketches that have never before been published.
As with any sketchbook, the drawings in this volume are of varying stages of completion. They are a reminder that a piece of art is not full-born on the paper but rather is the product of hard work and sweat by the artist. These sketches, layouts, illustrations and portraits offer a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse of Dave Stevens' tremendous facility with pencil, pen and brush, and how special a talent he was.

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Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
256 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
750,00 TL

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