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Dawn Vol. 02: The Return of the Goddess TP
[Image Comics]
Yazar: Joseph Michael Linsner
Çizer: Joseph Michael Linsner
Bridget, a young witch, takes her own life rather than fall prey to the enemies pursuing her. With her last breath, she summons Dawn, the goddess of birth and rebirth, the goddess she & other witches pray to. It's too late for Bridget, but Dawn finds her best friend Mary, another goddess worshipper & a teenage mother. Mary is being hunted by the same mysterious forces that have been systematically exterminating the other witches. Mary is in shock as her Goddess manifests herself and explains that she's gonna get to the bottom of the death of her followers. Lucifer, prince of lies, and Ahura-Mazda, master of Heaven, may try to bar Dawn's path with treachery and swords, but neither Heaven nor Hell is safe from Dawn's quest for answers - and for bloody vengeance.

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144 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
254,85 TL

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