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DC Universe Online Legends #1 (of 26)
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Marv Wolfman, Tony Bedard
Çizer: Livesay, Howard Porter, Adriana Melo, Norman Lee
The DC event of the year begins, coinciding with the release of the wildly anticipated DCU MMO! Get ready for the ride of a lifetime with this immense, 26-issue biweekly series!

In issue #1, Lex Luthor's obsession with destroying Superman reaches fever pitch when he cuts the ultimate Devil's deal with Brainiac...but with the shake of a hand, has Luthor consigned humanity to genocide?

Comic book legend Marv Wolfman joins fan-favorite writer Tony Bedard and artist Howard Porter to tell the ultimate DC Universe Super Hero tale of good versus evil!
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
44,85 TL

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