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Deadworld Classic Vol. 01 TP
[IDW Publishing]
Yazar: Stuart Kerr
Çizer: Vince Locke
At long last, the book that zombie fans have been clamoring for-the original Deadworld series as illustrated by Vince Locke. Out of print for over a decade, the early Deadworld helped to launch the zombie craze, which has become a genre onto itself. In addition to the first seven issues of the original series, this first volume will be a collection of Vince Locke artwork including pinups, covers, design elements... everything a Deadworld or Vince Locke completist could hope for. As a special treat, also for the first time, the original eight-page Deadworld story drawn by Vince that has never seen print before! See why Deadworld has become known as the 'grand-daddy' of all zombie comics. With Deadworld signed for a feature film, with scripting by X-Men and Watchmen's David Hayter, now is your chance to get to the 'meat of the story.'

Çocuklar için uygun değildir
Stokta Yok

özel sipariş
288 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
374,85 TL

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